Okay, I'm a little bit worried, actually. As far as I can tell, Allie's last post was 2 months ago. I've been posting as if she's been here the whole time, but I'm pretty sure that she's dropped out already. That means that we have...four people out of our original...I think 12? And only one female character is still around. I'm also worried that I haven't been doing a good job with keeping the few people who have bothered to stick around very interested, either. I'm not entirely sure what should be done at this point, and I don't want anyone to feel obligated to post if they're bored and this thread doesn't seem to be going anywhere very fast. So...I don't know. Any thoughts? On one hand, I am considering a massive reboot date for every story I have started here in the near future, so if this ends, it may just be rebooted then, but I'd kind of like to hear if anyone has any thoughts right now about anything.