[quote=@Darkraven] [@Fillet] Can't you like take some time on it before you decide to quit? Maybe your problem might sort itself out in a few days. In any case, this is a casual RP, so two paragraphs a post won't ruin you here. You could just take 10 minutes once in a while to write a post. EDIT: By the way, who wants to post next? [/quote] Thanks for reminding me about it, I gave it more thought. I like the group dynamic of this RP, it's fast-enough paced, there's a good GM, and the posting rule. Unfortunately I'm in no mood nor have more time to follow it (it takes me far longer than 20 mins to write a couple of paragraphs, not being one of the better writers) and I don't want to worry about the game, which I liked the must-post-in-3-days! feeling of it before, or worse to drag it down because of my char's on and off appearances. That doesn't make it fun for anybody not being able to develop a deeper story together. Besides, I'm off to Europe for a few weeks soon, and the story has only just begun so it's good that my char is not hinged on a major plot right now. I'm sorry to have to abandon it suddenly, I try not to do that. I'll poke my head back in if you guys are still around when I get back and shit's been sorted through. Have a great time folks. :)