After finishing the afternoon's debriefing, Kei could finally retire to one of the few rooms that hadn't become a billet and relax for the evening. She knew her first combat-mission would be coming soon. In any case she was already rain-soaked, may as well dry-off in one of those 'saunas' she kept hearing about... --- The next morning briefing brought recent events to light. Such as Kat falling ill, likely to do with being over-stressed and constantly-wet... Kei could've sworn she'd remembered Kat was still furiously trying to towel-off even before departing on their six hour flight. That made undoubtedly for a bad combination... so now her point-interceptor was now pulling ground-pounding duties. With only two tons and five hardpoints to play with, Kei was already mentally running every combination of ordnance she could think of though her head... not just what she [i]could[/I] carry, but also what was available and most suitable for dealing with an infantry-centric enemy. Her load of SNEB flechettes on the Matra-155 pods would work well against exposed infantry trying to hide in the treelines; some firebombs would work well against anything dug-in -no matter how well they'd try- while a half-ton parcel of sub-munitions could provide area-denial and anti-material capabilities along roads and airstrips. While she hoped her cannons with only 120 rounds would be more than sufficient to put-down any floating sampans. Before long, her heavily-laden plane was plodding down the taxiway and thundering down the strip. Unlike the earlier flight, this one was quick and to the point when 'Heartbreak' spotted a convoy of gun-trucks and infantry heading towards friendlies indicated by green smoke. Short-Round peeled-off first, firing three pairs of flechettes from nearly two klicks out... the hail of steel had cut a swath into the trees and whoever was unlucky enough to try hiding within it as the ground was showered not only in the steel hypervelocity dart, but also shrapnel and falling branches from the trees. Traveling at nearly 300 meters per second upon her target, 'Shorty' barely given them a chance to realize they've come under attack before she began dropping submunitions from the belly of her TL-500 munitions-container, [url=]showering the road in over two hundred and sixty PTAB anti-tank/personnel submunitions[/url] as her plane zoomed away to pull into a steep 70-degree unrestricted climb, giving Kei time to roll her plane over and look for any artillery-flashes from twelve angels up --less than 15 seconds after starting her attack-run.