[i][b][color=#AC58FA]Hikaru Shouto[/color][/b][/i] Still waiting and staring at the scene to unfold before him. A pair of siblings were suddenly behind him, giving them a sideway glance, (when it reality it actually looks like an intense glare) the more tame sibling apologized to him for reasons unknown, he gave them a raised eyebrows and said in a cold tone [i][color=#AC58FA]"... I don't think you did anything wrong for you to warrant an apology."[/color][/i] he could also hear them giggling about, which he paid no heed to. Again trying to wait and see what happens, he clicks his tongue due to his patience running thin. Another person came up suddenly asked what was wrong, [color=coral]"Whoa, anyone can tell what's going on?"[/color] he simply gave this kid who appeared out of nowhere a quick glance (which again looks like a glare.) he chose not to answer since Hikaru himself has no freakin' clue at what's going on and again onlooks at the situation. What he did notice is that the scene seems to be getting more tense, for some odd reason. [i][color=#AC58FA]"Why is this getting more tense, I can't comprehend at how this whole spiel is getting more intense."[/color][/i] he said to himself as he begins to question his sanity... or what was left of it.