[url=http://www.wrestlenewz.com/photos/a-shout-out-to-some-of-wrestlings-most-underrated-superstars/arn-anderson-num3.jpg]face claim[/url] [b]Name:[/b] Mark Clifton [b]Hometown:[/b] Chicago, Illinois [b]Height:[/b] 6’ 5” [b]Weight:[/b] 250 lbs [b]Alignment:[/b] Face [b]Gimmick:[/b] In a mentor position of sorts over Michael Starblazer, he tries to get the younger guy to be less cocky until he’s gained some experience, but he recognizes the potential he has. A little older than the other people on the roster, he has lots of experience. Has a decorated career already and isn’t too interested in going for the heavyweight title, instead pursuing the tag titles with Starblazer. Backstage, he’s a bit of a locker-room leader, and is happy to put over younger talent when necessary. [b]Entrance Music:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8bNKCetfXM]boop[/url] [b]Entrance Description:[/b] Very simple entrance, nothing too fancy. Just walks down and highfives the fans on the way down. [b]Wrestling Style:[/b] Technical Finishing Move: Sharpshooter, Double armed DDT [b]Signature Moves:[/b] Arm drag, classic suplex, butterfly suplex, dragon sleeper, diving headbutt, small package, European uppercut Here ya go.