[center][b]Star Labs - Metropolis July 4th - 12:06 pm Joey Wilson, A.K.A. Jericho[/b][/center] For maybe the third time that week, Joey found himself in Star Labs, enduring yet another series of examinations. All the lab-coat wearing scientists moved around him chattering to themselves as he lay on the uncomfortable operation table. He could tell what they were all thinking. They were all worried that the terrifying Deathstroke had done something to him. It wasn't just them though. Even the Justice League were worried. As a matter of fact, a couple of league members were currently watching over him from around the room. While today it was a combination of Plastic Man, Black Lightning and Black Canary, Joey was usually joined by Batman himself, along with the teen wonder, Robin. For this, Joey was extremely thankful though, despite the uncomfortable nature of his surroundings. This was due to the fact that the last time he had been left alone, his father had come back. The mercenary Deathstroke had taken him away and experimented on him. Why? Who knows, but Joseph had to agree that these tests were necessary as the man could have done anything to him. Despite the slight pain of the prodding and poking, the teenager cooperated well, wanting to help as much as he could. Besides, he didn't want to spoil what was bound to be such a marvelous day. Today he was joining the Young Justice program. Today he was going to make some new friends. "And I think that we're just about done for today, Joseph!" The voice of the middle-aged scientist snapped him out of his thoughts. "You feeling okay, son?" Not wishing to be a problem, Joey gave the man a nod. Years ago he would have actually spoke, but now that obviously wasn't possible. He assumed that that would be a problem with this new team, although in the past, if it wasn't about his music, he tended to be a bit of a sheep anyway. Feeling a hand on his shoulder, Joey turned to find Black Canary giving him a reassuring smile. "You better go get changed Jericho!" She spoke with a soothing, almost motherly tone. Joey was glad as his encounter's with Canary had been his friendliest since his time among the Justice League members. As great as Batman was, he could be extremely glum! Rising to his feet, Joey put his hand to his mouth, signing "Thank you" before turning and heading towards the door, Plastic Man leader the way to the locker room, he goofy smile making Joey chuckle. [center][b]"B-One-One"[/b][/center] Jericho stepped out awkwardly from the Zeta Tube, his hands clutching each other behind his back. The room in which he entered was vast, and already full of other seemingly costumed teenagers. He stared around him, mouth gaping as he tried to take everything in. He recognized many around the room, having seen many from news broadcasts. The remainder he knew from photos which he had been shown during his brief visits to the Bat-cave over the past few weeks. Ahead of the group, stood the apparent founding members of this little group. Nightwing, Kid Flash, Aqualad and Supergirl. Though the gathering crowd, he gave them all a brief smile, before moving off to the side, spotting a window. Here he once again stood in awe. Honestly, Jericho had never imagined that he would one day be looking down on the whole world. Out of sheer habit, he once again signed the words "Thank you", directing them down at his home. Turning back around, he once again joined the rest of the costume heroes and began awaiting his instructions, smiling happily as he did so.