Drake woke up sitting at a desk. He was drooling a bit so he wiped that off his face quickly and then took a look around the room. The Windows or where the Windows should be had big metal plates bolted to them. The bolts were obscure and badly placed but it didn't matter because how massive it was. He walked over and pulled on a few anyway just to make sure. [color=1a7b30]"yep tight as can be."[/color] he said and and also notice a monitor....and was that a camera? He walked closer and tried figuring out why they would need a camera in the school, he assumed since there were rows of desks. In fact he doesn't even remember walking to the class room, or even leaving the entrance to the school. He didn't dwell on that fact since leaving the room and asking a teacher would clear this up. He took one last glance at the room. There was a brochure in front of his desk but he didn't bother to read it. He left the room and walked the halls looking every so often looking in a classroom for a teach. [color=1a7b30]"there's no teachers, no students, and cameras frickin EVERYWHERE!"[/color] He began to get tired of this and head down a familiar hallway that a sign said exit. When he entered the inside entrance of the school it was blocked by a giant steel door, and I mean [b][i][u]GIANT[/u][/i][/b]. There were two mounted turret guns on the ceiling and finally a camera and a monitor. He stood in front of the door speechless. He heard footsteps but didn't acknowledge them.