[hider=I feel like I'm bragging...I really hope I'm not] Appearance: Standing at 5'11" and looking remarkably well groomed in a black dress shirt and dark blue jeans held up with a white belt, a teenager of Chinese descent gives his iconic lopsided smile of half disapproval, half amusement. His hair is swept to the right with a tiny amount of gel. His dark brown eyes peer over the thick, black rectangular frames of his glasses as he leans heavily on his left side, not because of any injury, but rather because he's too lazy to really hoist himself up straight. His skinniness makes him look lankier than he should be while his choice of black boots boosts his height just a little. All the fat that has accumulated in his bamboo pole of a body is stored in his cheeks, which is to say they're very little and he has yet to burn off any of the baby fat. Strangely enough, the skin there is smooth enough to be FROM a baby and you believe some flaying may have occurred. A thick black cord around his neck holds up a Ming Dynasty jade pendant, a family heirloom. Weapon of choice: Preferrably his own fists and feet as he was a formerly competitive martial artist (who now teaches) but he can work with a bow and arrow, or a blade, either eastern or specific western ones, also being an avid fencer of both foil and sabre. Likes: Dogs, Fencing, Martial arts, Cooking, Video games, Roleplaying, Horse Riding, Biology Dislikes: Overbearing stupidity, anti-vaxxers, people who throw their culture away (e.g. overbearing weeaboos), people who don't try, feeders Others: - Has two dogs, a Border Collie-Husky and a Cattle Dog-??? - Gets into too many fights unwillingly, mostly to defend friends. This has earned him the title of 'Bodyguard'. - Is called the perfect gentleman among friends due to his dabbling in the old gentlemanly arts of horse riding, erudition and combat in various forms and possessing a British accent. He lives in Australia and does not know where he got the accent, he just really didn't want the Australian accent. - Has been forever alone since birth - Family traces heritage back to the first 'Emperors' of China. Last Emperor of the line was an asshole and got the entire family ousted. (Good job Jie of Xia, you asswipe)[/hider]