"Ahh, well shit." Jack threw his hands up, "You've got me. Have mercy, please!" Jack's tone was easily recognizable as "sarcastic" as expect from him with a tinge of anger. He plan just went to shit with the arrival of people that weren't suppose to be present. He had spent a good deal of time and his other people's blood on this plan to work exactly as he wanted it. He didn't want to spend extra energy on all these new problems. However, he already had a back up. While dragging up the stone and dirt for the creation of his walls, several underground utilities got dragged up as well. Namely the gas pipes. He smiled as he felt the ice traveling up his legs like a growing plant. With a swift move, he burst all the gas pipes around him, the flames easily melted the sphere of ice around him. No ice can withstand fire, not even Ria's. The ice vines growing up his legs were already preventing him movement of his feet, but not the ground. While the ice was growing like a plant, he smiled as the cold went up his legs. Unlike plants, the ice only grew up, not down. With the sphere containing him gone, he forced earth under his feet. The ice easily broke as he created a thin plateau for himself. He smiled as he spitted out the little ice bomb forming in his mouth. It exploded the second it left his mouth, right in front of his face. But his Terracotta Armor ensured nothing bad would happen. Smiling widely as his armor regenerated, "Now. Time for my parting gift to you. He swung his arm up and along with it, hundreds of earth, stone and clay golem rose from the ground. As they all turned to Ria, Jack asked, "What do humans treasure the most?" As the hundreds of golems began to pile on to Ria, Jack dug straight down, forcing stone to break and dirt to part if it was in front of him. He traveled for a long time, dodging pipes and buried cables, he created a tunnel with more turns, dives and climbs impossible for anyone to follow if the end of if hadn't already collapsed. He finally returned home, his White Chapel awaited its master with open arms. "Sempai, how about we stay here?" a voice rang in his head. "Yes, Yui. I'll turn this place into our new home for all of us." Jack whispered word that had left his mouth once, long ago, "For all of us..."