Tsukuyomi Yayoi This is bad she thought doing a standard divination lead to some less than pleasant results. Knowing that there was people injured she quickly put on her large bracelet and moon clip in her hair. Come on Hakurei she muttered time to get moving we need to help somehow I dont know how but we must. "Understood than get up and get going already" Tsukuyomi heard her ai companion say smirking she brushed her light purple hair a bit before running out. Following the obvious trails do destruction it was easy to find the direction in which she had to head. Though at least she was nearby the main part it "thank the gods for small favors" she muttered as she continued to run. "This is not good" Tsukuyomi said as she surveyed the scene before her. No time to spare she thought as she quickly ran towards the closest person that looked injured who seemed to either have a very loyal body guard or a close friend. "Please let me see her there are no visible signs of injury but mental strain is showing on the face I can at least alleviate some of it." She said to the large person before getting on her knees. "Praevius853 "To guide and protect the lost" Fifth Spell: Shirou Tensou" She exclaimed before she grabbed multiple multiple ofuda from her pocket and quickly throwing them causing them float around before a white glow appeared. This is the best I could do she said before grabbing the ofuda that flew back into her hand and setting out to heal the next person. Though she did spare another glance and saw that her mental pain that was troubling her was somewhat lessened that was good she thought one more person to help with applying first aid to the injured she hoped.