Leon didn't say another word to Jordan as they left. He gave him a squeeze on the shoulder but continued to follow Lucas to and through the building. The two of them were a risk in and of themselves, Lucas being necessary and Leon more optional as well. But pairs made sense. Walking up with three people, only two of them looking professional, would have gotten them in trouble. He probably didn't need to, but Leon mapped out a couple normal exits in case they could find a way to not make everyone aware to what they were. After the wonderfully quiet elevator ride Leon had to resist an urge to make a could jokes as they reached their floor. Everything was fine until Lucas decided to enter the room by himself. With a sigh Leon resigned himself to a seat, the briefcase placed next to him to block the receptionists view. "So far, so good." he said, feeling the need to say a cliche movie line to test their luck. While he had a moment Leon took it to get out his phone. Finding Elle's number he began to type, looking up at the door every once in awhile when he swore he heard raised voices. '[i]Hi Elle, sorry for not getting much time together when we first got back. We both had people we needed to see. Today me, Lucas and Siggy are planning something. We wanted to keep you and Zei safe, plus Jordan and Matt have been... off, so we decided to three musketeer it. If you see or hear anything dangerous happening downtown, come quickly. We are hoping to end the fight before it starts but we may need you guys. Maybe after today we can go out on a normal date? Seeya soon.[/i]' Leon sighed. Closing his phone and putting it away he allowed himself a small chuckle at his nervousness of the text. "Huh. So I finally asked her out..." "Whoo! Go Leon!" Came a muffled screaming from his briefcase followed by a quiet "oh no". With a small moment of shock Leon looked over at the receptionist who was looking around the room, confused by the noise. As her eyes began to fall on the briefcase the entire building shook as parts of the top floor began to give way. Nothing large feel, but the receptionist quickly screamed and made her way to the nearest stairwell. Standing up Leon's hand flew to his back pocket, where he kept his knife. It wasn't a lot, but he didn't plan on doing much killing as a human anyways. Waiting for the shaking to subside Leon was joined by a frantic Lucas. [i] "Leon, what the hell's going on? If that wasn't you...shit. Was that Jordan?" [/i] "Did you actually think that was me? Even Jordan seems unlikely. Not improbable though. Give me a second." Leon said, running over to the receptionist desk. There were a few screens that showed certain parts of the building, mainly downstairs and the corridors of this floor. One, however, showed the lobby of the floor above them. [i]“Siggy. Who am I going to have to punch in the face after this?”[/i] he heard Lucas ask just as he saw the culprit himself. "Lucas... it's Beezlemon" Leon said in a resigned tone. Leon rejoined Lucas and waited for the call to end. [i]“Go for it. I think they just put the building on full alert, though. I’ll call you back later. Leon, let’s go.”[/i] When Lucas hung up Leon pointed to the elevator. "The lift or stairs? Also, stay human or think we should break out the big guns?" Leon figured that the elevator was probably still the best choice, but he wasn't sure about biomerging. Beezlemon's blunder may become their own. "I say we stay human until we see what's what." he suggested, heading for the elevator.