[b]Name[/b]:Ubel [b]Species[/b]:Faerie/slime [b]Appearance[/b] [hider=Never takes of the armor] [img]http://images4.alphacoders.com/160/160388.jpg[/img] [/hider] Out of the armor a formless jelly the size of a troll, fluctuates to different colors of the rainbow. A small Faerie skeleton where the mask of the helmet would be [b]Role[/b]:Illusionist and summoner [b]Skills[/b]:Has a good number of both spells and magical abilities, but mainly focuses on illusions and summoning His most used spells and magical abilities are below [b][u]Spells[/u][/b] [i]Summon ooze[/i]:Summons anywhere from 3 to 10 "oozes". These forms of slime vary in size, and the bigger the slime he summons the less he can summon, his largest being 3 human sized ooozes. Can guard areas or attack targets [i]Illusory walls[/i]:self explanatory [i] Shock sphere[/i]:summons a soccer ball sized sphere of electricity, can order it to attack enemies or guard areas [i]Feign death[/i]:Can disappear in a cloud of purple smoke, appearing to have exploded to the un-learned.(this doubles as an ordinary short range teleport) [i]Phantasmal killer[/i]:Most powerful illusion, create a half real phantasm that can kill those not strong of will (hard to use) Most illusions are pretty standard, sound misdirection, image conjuring and such. He also has a fair number of other standard summon spells (spiders, snakes that kinda deal) [b][u]Magical slime/Faerie powers[/u][/b] [i]Rainbow spray[/i]:A cone of colors that can blind enemies [i]Faerie fire[/i]:A spray of purple flame [i]Slime shape[/i]:Can shape and harden or soften slimes, jellies, and oozes [b]Personality[/b]:Ubel is a mysterious individual, who often shuts himself in his study for very long periods of time. When dealing with others he is sometimes considered eccentric, though he is friendly enough. He has a pretty bad case of ego, even though he is actually an incredible coward (and most people know it despite his efforts to hide it) [b]Background[/b]:Not very many inhabitants of Lessavo's tomb even know what Ubel is, the two most popular theories are a Faerie or slime... which are both almost right. In truth Ubel was a Faerie that lived near Lessavo's tomb that was eaten by a small slime. However, the Faerie was not digested, for some strange reason it had become merged with the slime, though it's memories and personality were virtually gone. In its place was a new form of proto-sentience, which only increased as time wore on. The slime began to grow larger and larger as it found its way into Lessavo's tomb, growing smarter and more sentient as well. Eventually, it named itself Ubel, and searched for some substance. Ubel became more and more infatuated with magic, but without a body with limbs the somatic components of spells were beyond his capabilities, even with his magical slime abilities. Then, he stumbled upon the armor of some old spellcaster, and it was dripping with magic. The slime climbed it's way into the armor, expanding and warping it to better fit his shape(as he had grown to the size of a small troll) and then it was done. Ubel the Illusionist was ready to learn magic to defend his home, and hide it [b]Other[/b] Outside of armor is weak to cold If the Faerie skeleton is destroyed he loses all magic and sentience Often asks scavengers to find strange and obscure books to study magical theory and learn new spells Lair (I added dis part) Lives in an old library on b1 floor (not sure where exactly) where he can often be found