Hi guys-- Yeah, I'm leaving, but I came back to say one last goodbye! Properly, this time. I'm co-GMing a friend's RP, and school's gotten really busy, so... yeah. That's my reasons. Sorry, and I'll miss you guys! I hope the RP goes well for you all! Enjoy~! Also, since everyone seems to be doing it... [hider=Nightmare Bunny?!] [b][u]Appearance:[/u] [/b]When she claims to be "of average height", what Bunny [i]really[/i] means is that she's of average height [i]for an Asian female.[/i] Standing at 5'3", Bunny is actually rather short, and often gets patted on the head. As a young, rather small Chinese teenager, she is frequently assumed to be younger than she actually is. Her soft, rounded cheeks certainly do not help the situation. [s]Her chest size is possibly the only thing that distinguishes her from an elementary schooler.[/s] Her hair is black-ish brown, from either too much time in the sun or some strange fluke of nature, and her eyes... are also brown. Despite claiming "too much time in the sun" as a possible cause of her hair color, Bunny actually prefers to remain indoors, and is therefore rather pale-skinned. Always smiling. Is this a little creepy? Absolutely. [u][b]Weapon of choice:[/b][/u] Bunny is not very athletic! In a fight, she would almost definitely lose. However, she is very skilled with using frying pans and woks as a weapon, and is also excellent at slapping people's hands away from her food with her chopsticks. [u][b]Likes:[/b][/u] cooking, English class, Pokemon, video games, sleeping, anime (in moderation), [s]people who compliment her[/s], eating cake, bunnies, [s]cosplay[/s], human sacrifice (kidding, kidding), figure skating [b][u]Dislikes:[/u][/b] the SATs, being unprepared, homework, being busy, burnt food, Whitney's gym battle in Heart Gold [u][b]Others: [/b][/u] - Bunny is a total nerd. Spends waaaaay too much time studying. - Bunny is not afraid of creepy-crawlies, but a good ghost story gets her trembling in her boots. - Once owned a rabbit, creatively named "Flopsy". Yup. [/hider]