[u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Ryan Jameson [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 27 [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] (image or description is fine) Cannot get images to work (>.<), so I'll just say 6-foot-3, 150 lbs. Dark brown hair cut short on the sides, Ryan is dressed in Midwestern jeans and tees from the thrift shop. [u][b]Human, werewolf, or hunter?:[/b][/u] Beta Werewolf [u][b]Background:[/b][/u] The son of a rancher father and a stay-at-home mom, Ryan Jameson grew up with the sun over his head and the wind at his back while mom and dad tried to bring him up right. Hard work was rewarded and good behavior would be noticed out in the real world, they said. So when dad took mom out to Topeka for an anniversary, they had no qualms about leaving their son to watch the house for a night. And when Ryan found a large dog in one of the newer remote-controlled coyote traps, he did what his dad taught him to: keep it locked up and wait for dad to grab his gun and take care of it. When he heard other dogs howling on his way back to the house, Ryan didn't pay it no mind. Figured the strays would run together. Of course, when he got to the front porch of the house and felt himself tackled and bit into by a pair of other dogs, he straight up lost it. And when the dogs coordinated to drag him into the fields, he passed out from fear. After which he promptly awoke in the basement of another house (later learned to be the suburbs of Topeka). The Alpha of the pack didn't appreciate being caught in a common animal trap, making him look like a fool to his Betas. And he sure as hell didn't like being left out there until Ryan's "dear daddy" came back to put a bullet in his brain like he did to the pack's number three Beta last full moon. So he did Ryan the pleasure of informing him the pup would be taking the Beta's place. It was a rough crowd at first, but Ryan took to the job of being a Beta with natural ease. He wasn't able to watch the news and see the search effort his parents lead, but it was probably for the better. The bony, pimply faces on milk cartons and the cable networks were much more different than his new, muscular and lean look the wolf in him brought out. Maybe it was Stockholm Syndrome, or maybe it was just a new love for his supernatural life, but after the first year Ryan didn't think about reaching out to his family again. Probably for the best; his dad was crucified by the media as an irresponsible parent and locked up under suspicion of murdering his own son, and his mom offed herself not long after under the media scrutiny. After a few years, Ryan started to flex his legs and leverage his status as a dominant Beta for more freedom. The Topeka Alpha, Jared Wilks, resisted and kept Ryan on a tight leash to keep the Betas in line and prevent an insurrection, but when Mori the Alpha came to town, things changed right quick. She ran with Topeka for a couple of days before realizing what was going on: a pack with twenty wolves wasn't the norm in her travels. Jared added a new wolf to his pack every year, while another easily wouldn't live through the change. Mori saw this wasn't going to last forever- sooner or later a Hunter would catch on and come to town and clean house. So she did the only sensible thing she could think of. She kicked the shit out of Jared and scattered the pack by force. Ryan, not sure what to do without his Alpha to follow, took to following Mori out West to Cali. Moving out to California, Ryan hasn't fully integrated with the new pack. He keeps to himself, working at the last bar in town, "The Backhouse," as a mixer. California hasn't been the land of milk and honey he hoped it would be, but he's started seeing a human by the name of Michael on his nights off. The budding relationship between Ryan and Michael is a source of potential conflict for the pack- Ryan hasn't told Michael what he does on his "Fishing Trips" during the full moon, and Ryan has gotten overly aggressive whenever the subject of turning Michael to keep pack secrecy has been brought up...