Everything sounded distant an muffled, as if he was under water. His head felt as if it was being pounded on with a hammer and his throat burned as if he downed fire. "What the hell happened." He mumbled to himself despairingly as he brought his hand to test of his forehead. He tried to open his eyes, but the second his cracked them open, the light burned his irises. "Shit, where am I here?" he mumbled to himself gloomily. Ray struggled to sit up, the clean white sheets falling off his body as did so. He slowly looked around the room lamentablely, the bright white light blinding him slightly once again. [i]Your in the infirmary you twit.[/i] Understanding ripped through Ray like a butcher knife was cutting through raw meat. What the hell happened? How did he end up in this situation? Ray raked his hands through his black hair, he unfortunately could not understand what was going on. He had to have been injured, although he could not exactly pinpoint the affliction itself. All he felt at the moments of a pounding headache, and the unnerving feeling of confusion. [i]So you remember nothing, that's bad, what could have gotten past you? "Mister, can beat everyone!"[/] Ray sighed, there must have been a logical explanation for this situation. The walls and and ground suddenly shook, which startled and excited him at the same time. The random tremor would have scared anyone, but this shaking gave him an opportunity to find out what he was doing inside the infirmary. [i]Your also member of JUDGEMENT, that's another reason.[/i] Ray jumped out of bed, suddenly feeling much better than before. Ray sprinted out the room in his infirmary gown and into the school courtyard. He noticed a classroom wall busted down, which made Ray a bit mad. "Destruction of school property." Ray mumbled to himself as he ran past the destruction. Ray eventually reached a large earthen wall that reached up high into the air. Ray scowled, he could hear the sounds of a battle on the inside. Ray reached under his gown and into his pant pocket, taking out his yellow gloves and brass knuckles. He put the brightly colored hand coverings and his weapon. "Seeking Ring." Ray said to himself quietly as he grated his knuckles against each other. A waves were emitted from his knuckles, a wave bounced off the wall and hit Ray immediately, but the wave still went through the wall. Ray could hear the crowd on the inside, he could also hear the fight the ensued on the inside. He did not no who was fighting, but he could tell that the enemy was powerful. "Need to free everyone." He mumbled. Ray cocked his right arm back and took another breath, "Icy Night Air." Ray said as he smashed his fist into the wall. A section of the wall was smashed through, boulders falling to the ground. "Everyone out!" Ray yelled once he climbed on top of the fallen boulders. As the crowd ran outside the opening Ray made to freedom, he walked towards the fight. Unfortunately, it looked like the fight was over, the enemy had escaped, but he left hundreds of golems that was piling on top of Absolute. "Crap." Ray mumbled to himself as he watched the scene. Ray reached into his pocket and pulled out six pieces of of Green paper. [i]So you'll finally utilize PEM, huh?[/i] He through the papers at the hole that he had created, he mumbled thr magical terms and the papers activated, the papers created a earthen wall, fortunately the people were out of the enclosed. Ray pulled out another eight pieces of paper, all red. He through the papers at the crowd of golems and summoned a tornado. He then activated the red paper that was picked up by the wind. "Fire Storm." Ray mumbled, as fire enveloped the wind, and transformed into a tornado of flames. Some of the golems were picked up by the spell and burned. "Looks like this is experiment is a success." Ray smiled at the scene.