Name: Morgana ''Mori'' Winchester Age: 29 Appearance: [img][/img] Human, werewolf, or hunter?: [u]Werewolf[/u] If werewolf: Alpha, beta, or omega? [u]Alpha[/u] Background: Morgana had always been an odd child. Unlike the other girls, she didn't care about the dolls and pretty dresses. She enjoyed spending her time with boys in the nearby forest. Hunting, fighting, building things...that was her definition of fun. Her father was an alcoholic, and he often took a swing at her and her mother. Morgana hated them both, equally. Father for his violence, and mother for her cowardness. She promised herself that one day she would put an end to all of this. Hanging out with the boys eventually made her stronger, and fearless to a fault, but nothing could equip her for vengeance better than what happened to her on one August's full moon night. She made a bet with the boys that she dares to walk across the forest alone, using only moonlight to light the way. She never thought she would be in danger out there. After all, the woods have been her second home. The place of joy, laughter, and freedom. She knew all the creatures that lived there, from a giant stag to a grumpy boar. But she had no idea that the forest had welcomed a new visitor. It all happened in a second. The sound of growling, ripping, screaming… And then nothing but silent darkness. She never learnt who was the werewolf that turned her that night. He left her alone in the woods, where she was later found by the local hunters, who took her to the hospital. She was badly wounded, but odly enough, her wounds had healed pretty fast. In just a few days time, she was back home with her parents, but the reunion wasn't quite like she anticipated. Her father hit her in the face, bloodying her nose, for she was misbehaving and needed to be punished. However, It was the last thing he did. Morgana's eyes flared up like fire, and then she throw herself at the old man and began to hit him again and again and again, until the voice of her mother's screaming brought her back to her senses. Upon seeing what she had done, she fled the house, and never returned. For almost a decade, she roamed the country looking for answers. She met a few packs, and even joined some for a while, but after witnessing too many werewolves being slaughtered by a hunter due to a bad leadership, she decided to create a family of her own. Starting with Ryan, the member of one of those failed packs, called the the Topeka pack. She practically snatched him away from Jared, the pack's alpha', after thoroughly showing them how she felt about their ways. So she had one wolf following around, but she knew that, finding and collecting the lost puppies wouldn't be as easy as joining the already established pack (even though the kind of pack she'd feel confortable in wasn't easy to find). So, after moving to California, she soon found the trail on the newest pack that was in need of another female alpha. The previous one had been killed off by a hunter, and the pack was left chaotic after that. Since the past had shaped her into being a natural leader, with a strong sense for community, she soon claimed her place. With her parents both dead (her mother killed herself after witnessing Morgana's outrage) and having no other siblings, she would do anything to protect her current pack. They are her only family. Her strength and her weakness. As a leader she can be as motherly as she can be cold and brutal. She is respected for her fairness, cunningness, and fearlessness. She would stand no tratiors, and would advice anyone, who wanted to take her place, to think about it twice. For their own sake.