Appearance: Gray shirt and Gray sweatpants. Unless running in which case wears red and black shorts and... still a gray shirt. Is around 5' 10", American, lightly tanned skin from sports. Wears a watch on left wrist and several hairbands on right wrist. Has brown hair about the length of his shoulderblades that he regularly keeps in a ponytail. Wears glasses and has brown eyes Weapon of choice: Much as I would [b]LOVE[/b] to say I knew Martial Arts or was a fencer, alas living in the middle of nowhere removes this as an option. However doing three sports(Soccer, X-Country, Track(Distance)) has given me a reasonable amount of fitness and I would like to think that I could take someone in a hand-to-hand fight. Or at least run away XD Likes: Sleep, Nearly anything that invloves being on a computer, Soccer, pretty much every other geek activity such as DND, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-OH. MY Xbox360, Gamecube, N64. Dislikes: Effort. School. Not being at home. Slow internet. Stupid poeple. Others: The only reason I do anything outside of the internet is obligations. Also one of my most played right now is League of Legends