[color=fff200][b]Anastasia - Outskirts of Walker, LA[/b][/color] Anastasia had been walking for a while in the bright sun. Thankfully, the heat wasn't too merciless in January. With her walking stick in her right hand and her water bottle in her left, she trekked down the shoulder of the highway. Presently, she reached tucked her bottle into the side-pocket of her rucksack and brushed her dirty, blonde hair behind her ear. Thankfully she hadn't seen any infected in a while, so she traversed the road with ease. After another couple minutes of walking, she felt stomach rumble. [color=fff200]"Время для отдыха..." [/color]She muttered to herself. She sighed and set her stick on the ground, sliding her pack from her shoulders. She unzipped it and rifled through the cans and supplies, finding a large protein bar under a full roll of duct tape. She took her time in eating the snack - it’d been a couple hours since she’d eaten. When she finished, she washed it down by emptying the last bit of her water bottle. She pursed her lips looked at the empty bottle. Unfortunately, she only had two, and now they were both depleted. She sighed again, glancing around. The last stop was about a mile back. She looked up the road ahead of her - a green sign read something in English that she didn’t understand. She had no ideas what the words meant, but she had figured out that most of the ramps lead to gas stations - stops for traveling cars before the outbreak. She was glad that American roads were similar to those in Russia. She decided to try her luck with the exit ahead, picking up pack and stick and walking towards the turn-off. She regarded her [url=http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0200/4984/products/Women_Blue_Shoody_Hoodie_F_grande.jpeg]blue jacket[/url] and decided to unzip it, tying it around the waste. It was getting a bit hot, and she was sweating lightly - so she tied it around her waist. Shouldering her backpack, she set off towards the exit sign. When she neared the sign, she saw an infected come up the shoulder of the road, sauntering towards her. She let it come close, gripping her hiking stick tightly. When it was within reach, she pointed the sharp end of the stick at it, jabbing it. The thing protested as it got stuck on the end. Anastasia pushed hard, sending it to the ground. Before it could get back up, she stabbed it in the head with the tip. [color=fff200]“Хорошая игра.” [/color]She said wiping the gore off the stick with the infecteds shirt. She turned her head and began walking up the incline, past the green sign. When she reached the top of the hill, she saw a couple buildings. There were no infected on the roads, so she assumed that they were all inside the buildings. She glanced at a building - “Walker Discount Liqour!” - Yet, again, she stared innocently at the sign, oblivious to meaning of the words.