~Unknown location~ In the same metal building standing in a dark corner of the same office room stood a woman figure, only able to be noticed as the lightning the lit the sky. She had already taken her time to check the room for any little traps or surprises, not willing trusting the figure who had hired her to do his dirty work for it. Now staying in the dark corner she had lowered her and closed her eyes, thinking deeply as she stayed leaning against the wall silently waiting. it wasn't until she heard the automatic doors open and light footsteps of a person who entered the room that she moved, though she only lifted her head jut enough to watch the figure who entered the room. She watched as it started to talk to itself and as it pulled out a cigarette and lit it as it was placed to its lips, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly, she never liked cigarette smoke, though she remained hiding in the dark corner and made no attempts to speak or to attract the attention of the figure, it would call for her when ready. when the figure sat in its chair and started to laugh she only watched, for a normal being this laugh would have frozen people in place, sent shivers down their spine yet it didn't faze her. It wasn't to long after than the figure called her out of her hiding place, this was when Storm moved from her position on the wall, entering the dim blue light as it reflected off the helmet that obscured her face completely. She knelt to the ground as if to show respect to this figure, her head lowered as she replied to the figure. "Yes" Storm said as she got back to her feet "Everything is going as planned"