[b]Victor - 'Fresh 'n Easy' Walker, Louisiana - June Hunter-Darling, Augusta Hunter and Malcolm Okada[/b] "[color=red]Don't want any trouble either.[/color]" Victor gave her a small nod. "[color=red]Just looking for anything to eat.[/color]" He didn't want to give away Mandy, but if these guys turned out to be okay then he didn't want to start a relationship with a lie. "[color=red]No, I'm not. My friend is waiting outside.[/color]" Victor's voice was calm. Victor was tempted to call to Mandy, but then he remembered how useless that would be. "[color=red]How about we split what we find? I'm an excellent cook and I can probably whip something up that is edible if you want. Then we can all share it, and go our separate ways tomorrow.[/color]" He wasn't going to suggest any longer, Mandy didn't like staying in one place. She was too determined to find her friend. [b]Mandy - Outside the 'Fresh 'n Easy' Walker, Louisiana - Annie[/b] Mandy waited. She hated that part. It would be a lot easier if Victor just trusted her. Maybe he did. Trusted her to watch his back at least. She had made it just fine on her own. That was lie. She sighed and leaned against the wall. She wanted to take a peek inside and see what was going on, see who Victor had found. Maybe they were nice. Of course she hoped it'd be June, she always did, but it never was. June was probably dead. Died doing some stupid stunt most likely. Maybe jumping her motorcycle over a group of zombies with a bomb attached to her to save her siblings. Anger flared up. Anger being only a secondary emotion she knew she was scared. Scared for June, scared for herself, sacred for the human race. That was it. Mandy needed to walk. To be away from Victor. She lifted herself from the wall and walked away. Avoiding being seen through the windows of the store. Victor was going to be pissed enough when he figured it out. Mandy rolled her shoulders. They had been traveling together too long. There weren't many people she liked to be around for a long time, and the one she really wanted to be with was probably dead. Mandy turned down a deserted street. No not deserted there was someone standing staring at a liquor store sign.