[center] [b]Name[/b] Kyuubi no Kitsune, goes by Kyuuno Kitsune when talking to Mundies. [b]Nickname[/b] No one really calls him Kyuuno, preferring to call him 'Kyuubi'. He has a noticeable disdain for his 'mundy' name. [b]Race[/b] Japanese Mythological Monster. [b]Gender[/b] Male. [b]Appearance[/b] [url=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Dxb-L6pPtoc/UO2oW1HkELI/AAAAAAAAAJI/7GQ-CM7r5Mk/s1600/Kurama.jpg]Human/Pissed Form[/url] - When transformed into his human form, and calm, Kyuubi takes on the appearance of a tall young man in his early twenties, around 20 to 21, with a lean, muscular build that seems fox-line - the muscles clearly defined and sinewy. His skin is rather fair, and three whisker-like marks are obvious on both cheeks, while his hair is a vibrant crimson, rather shaggy, although in a more tamed way then you'd think, going down his shoulder-blades. He generally dresses casually, in a vaguely Japanese way - long-sleeved shirts with words written in Kanji on the back, jeans, and sandals. His eyes are crimson, but the pupils are circular and human. When getting pissed, and ready for a fight, his hair seems to get a bit more shaggier, going down to his waist, his fingers gets tipped with long, razor-sharp claws, his canines enlargens and turns sharp, and his crimson eyes turns slitted. His whiskers darken and grow longer, as well. [url=http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/033/4/4/kyuubi_by_mattbarley-d5tk03m.jpg]Enranged Form[/url] - The form half-way to his true, full form. His body grows leaner and taller, hitting around the 7 feet mark, and his form turns a complete dark, rage-filled crimson fur. His face seems shadowed, his eyes white pits, and his mouth a fanged white voice, while his hair becomes longer, more accurately matching the color of his fur. His body vaguely turns into that of a lean, anthromorphic fox, complete with the foxes paws, claws, and nine long, swishing, dark crimson tails. [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/narutofanon/images/4/47/Nine_tailed_fox_demon.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120217160251]True Form[/url] - His true form; Kyuubi is now a towering, crimson-orange demon fox, tipped with long, powerful, nine tails that are as sharp as blades at the tip, razor-sharp claws, razor-sharp fangs, and crimson, slitted eyes. His size depends, based on his will and anger when transforming, but at it's max it's very large; the size of a full-grown elephant. In the previous realm, it was larger, but due to the Mundane world making his power far lesser, it was taken down to the size of an elephant. [b]Job[/b] He works as a worker in Bogeyman's shop. Despite his personality, Kyuubi ancestors were tricksters, and although he himself doesn't prank, it could be rather entertaining to see the pranks done on others. He's also...well, not a 'vigilante', but whenever crime, either caused by Mundies or Fables, happens, then he is called due to his combative abilities. Publishes poetry that nets him a large amount of money, as well. [b]Personality[/b] [To be revealed, if that's okay. I find forming my personalities IC is better in the long-run, for me. It feels less restricting and boring.] [b]Fable[/b] The Kyuubi no Kitsune was originally a destructive force of nature that ripped through the Japanese forms of the Homelands. He was feared all across the realm - a monstrous demon fox, once exiled from his litter due to his 'mutation' of nine-tails, only for it to be a blessing/curse from a powerful demon, giving him immense power. He wandered the Homelands, eating any humanoid or beastial creature, creating whirlwinds with brushes of his tails, tsunamis with a roar of his voice, and violent Hell-Fires that lasted for years with mere flicks of the tips of his nine-tails. He was, by far, not a good guy...not even close, rather...he was evil, and thought of the Homelands as his play-toy...the reward for surviving the abandonment of his litter. When the Adversary began taking control of the Homelands, Kyuubi was enraged. The man's armies felt his wrath, and for years, he battled tooth and nail for the control of his land. He put up a worthy fight, but when the army began to grow rapidly, in both population and number, he was pushed back, and eventually over-come. Licking his wounds, Kyuubi made one more assault against the army, before moving into Fabletown. There, defeated and injured, he was nursed back to life by his magical properties, and felt as if he was given another chance. His personality changed, the Fox becoming more distant...less evil, more cold...less destructive, more calm...poetry, especially Japanese poetry was an art that he was a master of, from the tragic and destructive life he lived, and he made a living that way. Old habits died hard, and he also got a job as a worker in Bogeyman's shop, mostly for something to do when not writing/reading poetry, or meditating. When Bigby became the Sheriff, Kyuubi occasionally helped out in the more destructive cases, as, once more, old habits died hard...and the feeling of violence, even in his human form, was something of a guilty pleasure. [b]Abilities[/b] [I]Fable Physiology-[/I] Boogie has the inhuman endurance, speed, strength, and healing that most monster Fables have. [i]Fox-like Attributes-[/i] In addition to the physiology of Fables, Kyuubi is double-jointed, allowing him to move in more acrobatic, impossible, inhuman-agile like ways. His speed is also quite greater than most, and he has senses like that of a fox. [I]Transformations-[/I] Since his transformations aren't glamours, Kyuubi grows in strength, speed, endurance, and general attributes with each certain transformation, dependent on the transformation. So far, he's only gotten into his 'pissed' form due to lack of worthwhile battles, where his claws grow, along with his fangs, and his whiskers lengthen and darken. [I]Nine-Tailed Powers-[/I] Kyuubi can control/launch explosive, destructive, and unnatural crimson Hell-Fire on/from each of his tails, and to a lesser extent, in his 'human' form, while the power increases a bit in his Pissed form, and continues to increase until the power is at it's maximum in his True form. [i]Shapeshifting-[/i] Kyuubi can take the appearance of other humans without a glamor, but not animals. [b]Other[/b] [I]Once upon a time...he rather enjoyed bathing in fire. [/I] [/center]