Seb grimaced but rubbed the back of his neck, "Well, I have to get used to it..." He carefully picked her up, as if he were afraid he might break her, and carried her into the bedroom to change her on the bed. A few minutes, some crying, and an accident with the powder later Seb came out looking proud of himself. "It wasn't that bad..." As he moved back to her side and sat down he wiggled his fingers at the little one who was now wide awake. "Hello..." She made a sound somewhere between a gurgle and a coo and Seb glanced at Serena in confusion, "Is that good or bad?" ~*~ As Gunner spoke Anna smiled shakily and wiped a few tears away, "I'm glad... I was afraid you wouldn't want her..." She took his hands in her own, she couldn't tell him that all the bad things were in the past... it wouldn't help. She couldn't tell him that not all the death was his fault because he wouldn't see it that way and her words wouldn't be a comfort... She could however, be honest. "I love you Gunner... Nothing will change that. When you're strigoi you're not yourself... not really. I remember how it twists everything... any desires you had become obsessions... Love becomes a need to possess... Ambition becomes all consuming. You're a passenger in your own body. We can't hold everything Sebastian does when the darkness takes over against him... and it's the same Gun just maybe not to the same extent. You did some horrible things, I can't take that away or tell you that you didn't... Just like I can't tell Sebastian he didn't do the things he did when he lost it and the crazy took over... but you have options." She kissed his cheek, "You have people who love you... people who need you... People who know that that wasn't who you are Gun. You're the most protective, kind, loving man I know. You'd fight and give your life if it meant protecting the people you love and you did... you lost more than just your life that night... you lost yourself." She squeezed his hand, "And just like I had to... you have to find who you are again." She slipped an arm around him, rested her head on his chest for a moment before she heard the baby crying. She glanced at him and gave him a small smile, "I should get back out there... I have an audience with the Queen tomorrow and I have yet to get any formula, diapers, or clothes for the little one..." She grimaced, "I hope I have enough money saved..."