[CENTER][IMG]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/owarinoseraph/images/4/45/Shinoa_Hīragi_(Anime).png/revision/latest?cb=20141220060435[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][I]'Hm.... It so fun seeing people crying on their knees. I wish to see everyone like that.'[/I][/B][/CENTER] [b]Name:[/b] Mitsuri Sachi [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Arcana:[/b] Moon [b]Arcana Perk:[/b] 15% boost to pierce physical attacks. [b]Personality:[/b] The best way to describe Sachi is as someone with a sharp tongue with no social skills whatsoever. Still, that does not keep Sachi from having a friendly demeanor, if a bit cold. She is known for being someone who keeps her cool no matter what situation she is in, with a smile on her face and sarcastic comments to accompany it. Her usual personality revolves around her insulting you and trying to see how far she can go before you get mad and her trying to spark a conversation with bits and bites of random popular things, though most of them are anime or games related. This two combined are usually a recipe for disaster when interacting with others, often leading to awkward spots in conversations and Sachi moving on from that person for the next one. She is also prone to jealousy, both for people with actual conversation skills as well as those with artistic talent. Sachi is also a big otaku, despite her not usually accepting it. She would love to some day become a mangaka too, but she has no confidence whatsoever to do so, and she finds it incredibly embarrassing the simple thought of someone reading her tries at making one. She has still done some doujinshin works, though, but always using existing series as a base for them. She is fairly short as well, and is also prone to lose her cool once someone goes into the subject of her height, making her not only flustered, but also really upset at the person. [b]History:[/b] Not much of a story here, for the most part, this girl has had to deal with bullying and whatnot, making her personality what it is now. Given that since she was a kid, she like anime and manga and even started on trying to make things like them on her own, it wasn't anything unusual for her to be often looked down upon and bullied by other people. In order to stop this, Sachi developed her now poisonous tongue that now mostly keeps people away, but that, and the fact that she didn't speak to people a lot in the first place, made her also the social inept she is now. [hider=Soulbound Weapon] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.terrariaonline.com/attachments/rapier-jpg.119771/[/IMG][/CENTER] [b]Name:[/b] Starry Sky Rapier [b]Damage:[/b] Pierce[/hider] [hider=Stats] Lv.1 EXP: 0/100 [b]STATS:[/b] HP: 20 SP: 10 PE - 0% ME - 0% PD - 8 MD - 5 Dex - 5 Lck - 7[/hider] [hider=Initial Persona] [CENTER][IMG]http://cdn.obsidianportal.com/assets/172563/pathfinder_fan_art__the_witch_by_cromaticresponses-d4o9rf1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [b]Name:[/b] Hecate [b]Arcana:[/b] Moon [b]Arcana Perk:[/b] 15% boost to pierce attacks [b]Strength:[/b] Resistant to pierce physical attacks and electric magic attacks [b]Weakness:[/b] Weak to wind attacks and light attacks. [b]History:[/b] Hecate was variously associated with crossroads, entrance-ways, dogs, light, the moon, magic,witchcraft, knowledge of herbs and poisonous plants, necromancy, and sorcery. In the post-Christian writings of the Chaldean Oracles (2nd-3rd century CE) she was regarded with (some) rulership over earth, sea and sky, as well as a more universal role as Saviour (Soteira), Mother of Angels and the Cosmic World Soul. She was one of the main deities worshiped in Athenian households as a protective goddess and one who bestowed prosperity and daily blessings on the family. [b]Skills:[/b] 1. Skewer 2. Zio 3. Double Fangs 4. unlocked at first social link 5. Unlocked at first victory in battle 6. unlocked after defeating first boss 7. unlocked after having a rank 3 social link w/ someone 8. Unlocked on lvl 23[/hider]