Having been greeted by one of the group she had been nonchalantly checking on, making her uneasy, but as she doesn't know who does and doesn't know her, Maggie decided to return pleasantries with the boy that had been given police authority. [i][color=00FF99]At least, I think that's what just happened...[/color][/i] Maggie didn't move or say anything else, just keeping an eye on the group of school kids and making it look like her attention was on the "heist" in progress. [i][color=00FF99]I don't get this town. This place is weird. It has pretty viewpoints, but so much odd crimes, like this. Have I always lived he-[/color][/i] her thoughts cut off by an internal noise that caused Maggie's body to crumple up, hands over her ears, curled up against the ground, as though she were trying to become a rock in the road. She somehow suppressed the urge to scream loudly, but after a few seconds of her head throbbing like crazy, she stood up. Noticing her hands were wet, she checked them, only to find blood on them. [i][color=00FF99]Oh, no. What's going on with me!?[/color][/i]