[quote=@Empour] Urban, I may not have been around for that long, but I'm not going to pull some BS like using "unknown compounds" to circumvent the ban on OP abilities. I'm just using it to get away with not having to take a college course in biochemistry in 2098 to have her make stuff like a potion that makes your eyes change color, or a potion that makes you heal faster. If either of those were known compounds, we'd have very different lives right now, I think. I'm not sure how to explain it other than that. [/quote] In other words, [img]http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/469/562/d00.png[/img] [quote=@Empour] As for power-based weaknesses, I'll have to think a bit longer. Perhaps all of her compounds dissipate in water, or are highly flammable? There's a couple ways I could go with that. [/quote] Since her power isn't super dangerous, and there's easy ways to work around, i'm not going to be anal about her. So, those two weaknesses work.