“Yeah.” Luka said with a small nod as he reached out hesitantly with his good arm and shook her hand gently. It was a strange gesture for him, he remembered it vaguely from when he was little but it wasn’t something he’d done in a long time. “You already told me most of that, I gathered the rest.” He informed her, listening to the last part of the story. Now he hadn't heard most of that and he didn’t know how long it would take for his wound to heal either. Shifting slowly he rolled his shoulder gently, attempting to access the damage. The infection was probably the area of most concern for him. He gave her a very small smile for a moment before he looked out the window. “Don’t thank me for that.” He insisted when she attempted to thank him for saving her friend back across the wall. “I only asked Cade to let him go because of you. He quickly realised that didn’t make a lot of sense so clarified. “Right before that kid attacked me I asked you if you wanted to live or die. You said you wanted to live. If you had asked to die it would have turned out very differently. So in a way it was really you had saved him.” He looked back out the window again, he could see the wall, this big looming shadow off in the distance. “Don’t worry, he understood. I told you, they understands us… well at least he understands me fine. I assume he can understand you too.” He eventually looked back to her before shifting and sliding out of the bed. The boy stood there for a little bit, testing his strength on his feet before looking to Jayna. “Don’t worry I’m gonna run off or anything. I just can’t stand sitting there like some sick thing.” This was the first time he’d been in the village since he’d been small, in all honesty he was kind of curious to see what it was like. His memories from back then were hazy at best.