[i]Kotori[/i] & [i]Ria[/i] - [u]An Invisible Songbird's Frozen Soliloquy[/u] She would have fallen face forward if Sasaki hadn't held onto her hand. Nonetheless, the hundreds she had saved still needed help, and pathetically there was very little that she could do in this state. Calmly, the towering boy helped her simply sit upon their overlook of the disaster caused by two fifth level monsters, and she would simply sit there. Her head felt light, wavy, as if the breeze were about to push her over akin to how a large ocean wave does to a child. Closing her eyes, warm blood trickled past her lips as the dizziness she felt didn't settle, and the mind wracking headache did little else than just disorient what little other focus she possessed. A white box appeared between her and Sasaki, turning to stare wearily at it, her dimming gaze couldn't even identify what was on it. Tightly shutting the lids that hid pools of deepened onyx, she tried to assemble her thoughts; but there was nothing that she could do. That was until there was a peculiar light, a strange one, and seeping through her veins from the ground beneath her came a sense of reinvigoration. Slowly, her eyes regained their focus, and the blood flowing from her nose sharply ceased. And she shook her head as Sasaki stated his farewells and bolted off with the Medical Kit that she now knew that strange white box to be. Weakly, she reached after him as the other girl too quickly disappeared to go about her medicinal work, and the Songbird was left alone atop of the tall building. Cries of panic and chaos still below caught her attention once again as she realized that there were others still trapped beneath the rubble of all the madness. The ones held hostage in the coliseum weren't the only victims in this horrific tragedy. Walking to the edge of the building, the girl looked to the dizzying heights below. She could see Sasaki darting from one person to the next in a dizzying procession of selfless kindness, as well as the others getting into action. Stumbling slightly and almost falling off the edge, she chastised herself for the recklessness by which she was acting and sat down instead. Unfastening the blazer of her uniform off to reveal the plain white blouse beneath, she folded up the thick fabric to act as a pillow, she simply laid her head back and closed her eyes. She had done all that she could, there was comfort in that. While she might have wished that she could have done more to help those in need of it; now, in this moment there was literally nothing else that could be done. What she needed to do now was to give her poor addled mind a break. Humming softly to herself, the weakened Telekinetic shivered slightly from the cold breeze that whisked off of the towering pier of ice. Concealed down below from the eyes of all within the dome of frost, Ria's expression sharply changed to one of disgust as this annoying madman was nimbly able enough to avoid her machinations. Putting a sudden and swift stop to them as he taunted her, her fists clenched, her fury remained unsatisfied. Instead, this man dared to summon a horde of golems to charge at her. The gall of such a tactic. It were almost as if this idiot thought she were infantile. Eyes narrowed, and the very air about her dropped in temperature at an absolutely incredible rate. As the golems converged upon the singular point that she was, frost laced up their arms, legs, torsos and heads swiftly as they charged into the barrier that suddenly surged outward. Even the chunks of debris that fell from above suffered a similar fate. As brashly as they had advanced, the hindrance of the abominable cold stopped them. Freezing the very earth, making them unable to move as Ria swiped across with her hand. The frost that had infected the golems expanded rapidly, and akin to how a hammer would smash a pebble, the golems shattered into frigid bits of rock and stone. While this tactic had been effective, Ria glared past the broken golems to see that the madman had fled to parts unknown. She didn't have the capacity to follow someone through the ground. Furiously, she turned to glare at the two others while they left, they who had tried to intervene in her [i]fight[/i]. Her [i]conflict[/i]. They [i]shouldn't[/i] have been there, those assholes only got in the way! [color=ed145b]"What the hell do you two think you were doing?"[/color] She inquired scathingly out loud, though they were long gone. With little more than spiteful loathing rumbling forward from her, she continued. [color=ed145b]"This was my fight. MY BUSINESS. YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO BE HERE."[/color] Her hands clenched into fists, watching as one of them left. Swiping her hand across a second time, the entirety of the dome shattered into a fine dust. Caught in the wind, the dazzling dusted frost would take to the air and spread all over the city. [color=ed145b]"Idiots. Stay out of my way next time, or I'll freeze you myself."[/color]