When there was no response, Josephine sighed. This was helpful – not. She grumbled and sat up with difficulty, wheezing. She scowled in annoyance. This would not do. Josephine Grey could not be in a vulnerable position. It was ridiculous. Screw it, she the thought bitterly. She was going to act as if nothing happened because damn it, she was Josephine Grey and she was a strong woman. When the voice came over the intercom, she couldn't help but jump in surprise. This made her jerk her body and caused pain to ripple through her. Now furious and embarrassed, Josie listened to the voice, whilst cursing it. "All students report to the auditorium in the next five minutes!" She mimicked it in her head and swung her legs over the side of her body. Stupid auditorium, she thought nastily as she slowly stood up on her burned feet. She stared in disgust. This was ridiculous. Josephine glanced at the clothes and wobbled her way into the bathroom after snatching them. With difficulty once more, causing her to grumble more, she was dressed. Josie glanced at her ensemble; a t-shirt with the words "Riverwood Academy" on it and a pair of black pants. They had to be joking. This was absolutely ridiculous. She came out and looked around for another option without success. Furious, Josephine smoothed down her hair and went to exit the clinic when Xander entered. His presence surprised her. This meant he had survived. Did this mean her sister had as well? Although she hated him with a passion as well, it was not as intense as her hatred for Terraline. He at least had some usefulness in the world. Besides, he was almost as good as she was in being dark. It was easy to mess with Terry but not her brother. She eyed him reproachfully, then finally said with a tone of mock derision, “Guess you survived. Congratulations. You can get your gold medal at the orientation.” ________________________________________________________________________ Ellowyn stared at the boy who asked, “What is this a side-show? You people have nothing better to do huh?” He sighed, brushing between the boy and girl to Josie's room. Ellie scoffed- that was not true. Being chased by this monstrous boy was not on her list of activities. Anger coursed through her; but a quick hand on her shoulder that belonged to Sage, was enough to quiet her down. “I’m really sorry. We didn’t mean to intrude – we just entered the nearest room without looking. “I... I am really sorry. It was my fault. Not his. I – yeah, we’ll go.” Ellowyn doubled backwards out of the room hastily and slunk down the hallway. She felt awful for entering the room by mistake, but where else could she go? Drew had been on her tail and she was panic-stricken. This was never going to stop haunting her; not even in the afterlife, it would haunt her. She could barely hear the voice of the intercom; it something about going to the auditorium. The guilt from her past as well as now began to reoccur; Ellowyn’s breathing became quick, her hands sweaty, and her heart rate faster than normal. It was never going to end. She could not drag anyone else into this. Poor Sage was involved now due to her. She bit her lip. She found an empty hallway and grabbed her head, perching on a ledge. Bits and pieces of the memory began to resurface much to her dismay. [i]The wail of a siren – the screams of people, the rushing wind around her. A woman’s hysterical cry, then a man’s hoarse voice whispering despairing words of apologies; Ellowyn’s stark expression that morphed into horror when – [/i] “Ellowyn! Ellowyn! ELL-O-WYN!” Her head snapped up, nearly snapping her neck. Ellie’s wide green eyes which had been stuck open, were now fixated on the figure above her. The creamy blonde hair that had been neatly placed, was now a disarray around her head. The sweat protruding from her head and hand, were making noticeable marks around her. She quickly folded them together and then stuffed them in her pockets nervously. She had not noticed, but she had jumped backwards and landed a few spots from where she was originally. “Ellowyn,” Sage’s voice was calmer now and soothing as he knelt beside her and took her clammy hands. “You’re okay. Breathe in and out, darling.” Ellowyn nodded, focusing hard on taking deep breathes and reminding herself the same thing. She was okay – for the most part. It was over. Gone. Still, it did not feel like it was over. Nevertheless, she smiled at Sage shakily and nodded. “Of course it is. Thanks, bud. Let’s go.” He straightened up and offered her his hand, which she accepted. Ellowyn stood up, and began making her way down to the auditorium with Sage beside her. ______________________________________________________________________________________ As Sage escorted Ellowyn to the auditorium, he found it increasingly difficult to focus. He was worried over Ellowyn, and every few seconds he would glance at her. She was impassive now and strong as ever. It was if nothing had happened. He knew she was able to act strong and cherry, but deep down, he knew it wasn’t true. What had happened to her was not something that would disappear quickly. He sighed quietly. His thoughts traveled back to the sister and brother. What was their story? They looked as if they had gone through hell and back. God only knew what happened. This damn X-Force muddled in the wrong stories and destroyed so many lives. He wish he could put a stop to it. He was tired of seeing gaunt faces at the academy of kids, teens and even adults, whose lives had been permanently destroyed or altered due to them. Sage clenched his fists. He knew to a degree how infuriating it was to this mess. He forced himself to think of something else. The thought that came next was the beautiful girl in the hospital. She had the prettiest shade of brown hair and the loveliest eyes. Sage wondered if he could talk to the family, especially her. As much as he greeted others and welcomed them, he couldn’t help but feel his gut clutching at the thought. This wouldn’t be as easy, especially with their initial greeting. Sage hoped she would be able to forget it. Glancing once more at his best friend, he wrapped an arm around her comfortingly. “Over there, let’s go. It’s an opened area.” He told her as he entered the auditorium and scouted for a pair of seats. Ellowyn nodded, slinking towards it gracefully, barely making a noise. He admired how easy it was for her to appear invisible. It was a trait that while he didn’t possess her skill or grace, but felt back at home. Sage bit his lip and then turned his thoughts back to the orientation as the duo sat down.