[center] Name: Bigby Wolfe Nickname: The Big Bad Wolf Race: Born as a wolf, but able to take human form without glamours. Gender: Male Appearance: [url=http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/14/149570/3379446-2558224-2558223-big-bad-wolf.png]As a human[/url] [url=http://news.softpedia.com/images/extra/GAMES2/large/twaueps5/twaueps5scr_010-large.jpg]As a wolf[/url] Job: Bigby holds the title of Sheriff of Fabletown, acting as detective, guardian, and occasionally executioner. Personality: Bigby is feared and respected by many inhabitants of Fabletown, and as the Sheriff he is often seen as the enforcing arm of mayor's office. Despite his gruff appearance and occasionally mean disposition, he is not entirely cruel and is capable of mercy and kindness. Fable: Bigby was one of seven pups born to the North Wind and Winter. He was the runt of the litter and mockingly called 'Big Bad Wolf' by his brothers; Bigby for short. He hated his father for leaving his family. When Winter died, his brothers went to learn from the North Wind, but he stayed behind to try to protect Winter's body from scavengers. After he failed to protect his mother's body, Bigby vowed to kill something bigger every day. (from the Wiki) For many years, Bigby was the terror of the homelands, defeating armies and even a dragon. When the Adversary invasion, Bigby dedicated himself to their defeat. After the move to Fabletown, he has resolved to change his ways for the better. Abilities: Although formerly an actual wolf of giant proportions, Bigby now has the ability to take on human form, and to switch between his human and wolf forms at will. Even in human form he retains some of his canine traits, including an enhanced sense of smell. In fact, his smell is so acute that to avoid sensory overload in the middle of bustling New York City, he is forced to smoke constantly and heavily to deaden his senses. Even then, he must exert considerable willpower to mentally filter all of the millions of scents and smells. In addition to this, he has inherited numerous powers from his father, the North Wind, including the ability to blow with the force of a hurricane and to hold his breath for great periods of time. (From the Wiki) Other: Once upon a time... I was a murderer. [/center]