Interestingly, the blacksmith was apparently ripping me off, as there was supposedly enough metal in there for all three weapons. Dorisma seemed hypnotized by the forge itself, and the other two, R'lyeh and Deravan, pointed that out, with the blacksmith probably not even noticing Deravan, and only really interacting with R'lyeh, who got him to make the rapier in addition to the other items. "So... how long will this take?" I ask him, with him responding "Just give me a day, or so. Maybe you could relax or something," he seemed somewhat annoyed by my presence, and almost seemed to shoo me away from the forge. I head back to the bar, which seemed to have added an 'inn' sign next to its 'bar' sign, apparently making it double as an inn. I thought about entering the place, but then remembered that I had no money. I then turn back to my teammates, and say "So, how about we head off to that forest, you know, see if we can find anything that the humans might have left behind when they attacked R'lyeh. Humans tend to keep lots of items, and probably wouldn't have noticed a few of them falling off of their... they did have a wagon, right?" I then walk over to some random house, one that was actually really close to the entrance to town, which means that it would have been among the first things destroyed by the invading human. Why any kobold would build a house so close to the village's entrance confused me, but, then again, the house was safe, at least for now. I then wondered if we were going to have to keep coming here week after week to defend the town against the humans, my thought process unbroken by a random green-scaled mother kobold asking me how I overcame the human invader, mainly because I accidentally ignored her, and didn't hear what she was asking.