Even as Drac charged forward, the Dragon Emperor turned, smiling. "It's been a while, hasn't it?" Laughing, he held up on hand, blocking a punch that would have shattered cities, obsidian and cinders cracking beneath his feet as he slowly slid backwards. "Come on, is this all the force you can muster? You must know why I'm here, after all. Because after your little group decided to destroy my palace, my servants, and the basis of my power..." Stepping forward, he started equalling Drac's strength, off hand grabbing off hand as he attempted to wrestle Drac to the ground. "I lost everything I'd built up for a thousand years. So let me do you the same favour, right? Allow me to free you from your earthly connections." Cosmos grinned, as he stepped back. "Alright. I'm done. Go crazy." 5 didn't smile. There was no need to. This had, after all, been predetermined from the very start. He would destroy all who opposed the path - how could he not? Those who swum against the stream of time could only hope to delay the inevitable end. But as the power of a thousand tortured souls filled him, he allowed himself a brief moment of satisfaction. Lightning crackled around him, as he held up both hands. The Dark Side of the force swirled around the battlefield, gathering around this new centerpoint, focused and given form as great swirling winds and arcs of lightning. An immense pressure, as if the very air was attempting to crush those who now resided in this dimension with it's mere weight. Leeroy stood before his opponent, knowing that he now faced someone potentially on-level with Darkside. 5, at maximum power, overflowing with energy. "An now, we end this little charade." 5 held up one hand in an almost majestic gesture, as if he were passing judgement upon the lower class. Immense forces clashed in the space between him and his opponent as Drac stared, helpless to escape from the lock the Dragon Emperor had him in. Eruka lay, as Lisa stood over Eruka's still form. And with that, Lisa was wreathed in light. And then in black. And then there was nothing.