[@Klyix] Took me the longest time to place that pic but I've got it! That's Morgana from Merlin! Also time to remake Ryan and Jack. I've hit Ryan down pat. Name: Jack Parker Gender: Male Age: 22 Parents: Peter Parker Powers: All of Spiderman's normal powers. He has a rather good grasp on them. His spider sense has gotten stronger over the years and his natural webslingers are still there. He created a pair of gauntlets and boots for his suit to help him travel the city. They have a few gadgets in them to help him with his investigations. Bio: He is Ben's younger twin brother and is a bit of a jokester like his father. Never really all that serious. Unless someone he cares about is in danger. Then he gets serious real quick. Appearance: Jack now takes more after his father than he does his brother. After graduation he focused on trying to add more muscle and not appear quite so skinny. Jack has a few tattoos on his arms. He got them as a way to rebel and try to be different. [hider=Suit][img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/020/9/1/superior_spider_man_marker_sketch_by_joeyvazquez-d731uyk.jpg[/img][/hider] Name : Ryan Allen Gender: Male Age 26 Parents: Barry Allen Powers: All the powers of the Flash. His time as the The Flash has given him a great grip on his powers. He is not as clumsy as he was when he first came to the Academy. Now he is even faster than before. He is almost as fast as his father was before he retired. Over the years he learned how to vibrate his molecules to go through solid matter. Bio: Over the last five years, Ryan has matured almost completely. There are a few reasons of course. The largest has to be his marriage to Phoebe four years ago. They got married soon after graduation and moved to New York City. There were a few reasons but the main reason was to be closer to their jobs. The other was because Ryan was not keen on being anywhere near Gotham. Ryan currently works for Stark Industries in the research department. This is of course when he is not being the Flash now that his father has completely retired. That is not the only reason he matured however. One of the larger reasons occurred about a year ago with the birth of their son, Daniel Allen. The little boy became Ryan's world and he keeps a picture of him and Phoebe in his suit. He does not get all that much sleep dealing with a speedster toddler who also seems to be able to move plants. Appearance: Ryan has filled out over the years. He is less skinny that before because his metabolism has slowed down a bit. It's still fast but he doesn't have to eat as much so now he is more muscular than skinny. As with most things he has his father build when he was Ryan's age. [hider=suit][img]http://img3.goodfon.su/original/1680x1050/d/98/flesh-supergeroy-kostyum-dc.jpg[/img][/hider]