[color=f7941d]By Molag Bal and all of his genitals! Shit, shit, shit, SHIT![/color] Throughout the shrinking corridors of the Telvanni tower, every soul this side of Oblivion could hear Kharmams curses as she ran desperately for the exit. Or rather, [i]an[/i] exit. She did not know the way be heart and damn were these tunnels of fungi confusing. In the end she tagged onto some guards who, after a moment of initial confusion, decided to ignore her for now and leave before they were squashed. Catching a runaway slave would probably give them a bonus to their wages, but there was no way of enjoying the extra money if they were dead. So, the small group got out of the place just in time to avoid being crushed to mush. While the guards went on to someplace else to reconvene, Kharmam and the other slaves opted to try their luck in the woodlands some way from the tower. This was as close as she had come to freedom in years, and she was not going to waste the opportunity. Crashing through the undergrowth of the woods, Kharmam started to slow down when she was sure they had put some distance between themselves and their previous masters. She started looking around her for the other slaves. [color=f7941d]Anyone here?[/color] she half-whispered, half-shouted, [color=f7941d]Anyone hurt?[/color]