July 8th, 2029, about seven years after the First Paranormal War, humanity thought it was all over. That notion was immediately proven wrong. It became apparent that there were different paranormal factions. This time, the paranormal threat originates from our very backyard in the Earth’s oceans! A new evolution of evil finally showed itself after many cruise liners, naval ships, and even commerce transports sunk to the bottom in matter of hours! The economy was threatened and without access to the seas, civilization would become strained! With the new paranormal threat brought to the attention of the UN, it was finally time to call upon the right men and women for the job. Mankind must once again band together to fight them and to turn the tables on the Second Paranormal War! As GM, I present to you...ParaCom: Horror under the Sea! Similar to its predecessor, ParaCom: Adversary Uncertain, this RP takes place in the near future, in which the paranormal forces invade and assault our realm. As a result of the attack, the UN resurrected its finest line of defense against the aggressors. ParaCom lived up to its name in the First Paranormal War, standing for Paranormal Combat and acted as a shield for every site where enemy activity took place. This game puts the players as members of the elite multinational paramilitary organization and tasked with defending mankind, whether as operatives in the field or even as scientists/engineers. Technology will be developed and honed to help defend against the threat and even some abilities and enemy technology will be reverse engineered to be used against them. The GM sends the troops to the field in a series of tactical missions; between missions, the GM directs the research and development of new technologies from recovered paranormal technology and captured prisoners, expands the base of operations, manages the finances, and monitors and responds to paranormal activity. The majority of operations will take place across the world, with semi-random picking of the areas. History for new folk: December 31st, Year 2020 was the start of the war between the normal and the paranormal. Just as the western world was celebrating the eve of the new year, they attacked. During Times Square's annual ball drop and while shouts of “Happy New Year” echoed the area, the attacks commenced! The civilians of New York City were absolutely in shock and awe, due to the holiday letting the guard down. Unbeknownst to the supernatural forces, humanity would retaliate after a reeling assault. The armed forces across the world defended their nations from the attacks happening across the globe. However, despite dealing some damage to the enemy forces, they kept coming. Not even nuclear weapons stopped the otherworldly enemies in their tracks. After grueling defeats in the name of species preservation, the UN realized that alone the nations cannot stop the threat. On August 1st, 2021, humanity formed a new line of defense. The elite, multinational, paramilitary team known as ParaCom was formed to act as the specialized line of defense against this threat. Thanks to heavy investments from the UN and all monetary sources, ParaCom has access to the top notch technology, science, engineers, and soldiers. The fate of mankind rests in their hands.