[color=a0410d] [b] "OK.... I'll go first and hope for the best." Molly spoke. She walked to the door that the servant held open. Once she was outside she followed a path until it went around a bend. She saw the most pure blue pond that she ever saw in her entire life. She saw that there was multiple entrances to the pond. She counted them and found that there were ten entrances. She chose number 7 to go down. The water was warm and swirling around her legs as she kept walking out to where she could lay back into the water. After she laid in the water she began to float easily. She felt something keeping her afloat. As she floated along the pond's edge, Molly felt various degrees of warmth, none of the temperature were too uncomfortable. As she floated along her mind began to wander to the various nicknames that she had acquired over her lifetime. As she slid past the willows that had branches fell over the water, her mind cleared and she felt drawn towards a cool spot. The water felt very good to her skin. She smiled as she closed her eyes. Names flowed over her mind and suddenly a name stuck there not allowing any other names to flow by. She floated for a few minutes until she bumped against a wall where she placed her feet down on the ground and looked ahead of her. An exit was ahead of her and she slowly walked to where she found a ramp that lead out of the water. As she walked up the ramp, she saw the line of robes in all colors of the rainbow and beyond. She chose the light grey robe and put it on. She walked to a door and went through it into a room. There were chairs around a table in the room as well as their personal diaries. She sat down and placed her name in the proper line. Laidain or the grey lady. [/b] [/color]