[b][u]Angie - On top of the SUV[/u][/b] I hauled the man and his possible girlfriend back on top and over the car. Aye, I think we were all safe. Just seconds before, I'd glanced behind at a familiar voice and saw Alex right there, safe and sound, gun pointed the way of the shamblers. A gunshot quickly followed and a dead nearby had its head blown to pieces, which was all the signal I needed to get moving meself. After the other guy and the lady were off the SUV, I hopped down with them and gave Alex a pat on the shoulder as I stopped there. "Aye, thank ye. And me name's Angie, if you were wonderin', and in case we don't see each other again. Now c'mon, I think I see our backup on the way." I said that as one of the Japanese fellas, actually a girl when she got closer, approached the SUV and waved us off. I gave Alex's shoulder a squeeze and a gentle tug. "C'mon. She's wantin' to do something to the car. We'd better not get in 'er way, aye?" Without waiting for him, mainly because I trusted him, I kept up behind the mystery couple. I didn't care what that soldier did, as long as it got those dead sods away from us and cleared a way to safety without doomin' us all.