Name Soloman Creeks Age 29 Gender male Appearance short chestnut brown hair with two strands in his face spiked at the edge. Glistening silver eyes. Stuble. Well built body. Scar on his chest. Weapons: A series of throwing knifes and a rifle, strapped to his back. Also he has a short hunting knife on his belt. He also can use buckle on his belt as a boomerang. This is useful because when used as a wepon it has spikes on. Position on Infinity: Captian. Reasons they joined The Infinity he always admired the star pilots and wished to be like them. Bio he came from a poor background. His parents and him were enslaved by the aliens. A star captain rescued him whilst his parents did not live. He was taken. By the captain whom was called Mark Brown. One day he asked if he could be trained to be like him. Mark said yes. When he was 15 he started working under Mark's command on the infinity. Mark died in battle at the hands of an alien when Soloman was 24 and he has despised aliens since.