[Center][Img]http://www.mediastaan.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/girls-wallpaper-mediastaan-22.jpg[/img] ~°~°~ Name Avery ~°~°~ Age Twenty-Five ~°~°~ Appearance Avery is a natural brunnette with long flowing hair. Her lips are a nice color of pink, although they are thin. She has grey eyes and healthy, smooth skin. She stands at 5'8 and weighs about 120lbs. You will find Avery wearing a lot of tank tops, jeans, and all around casual clothes. She has a few piercings here and there, one on her [url=https://40.media.tumblr.com/1dc412a4bbcbb7346bd797d8ead22734/tumblr_mqlytc1Slr1rpug2oo1_500.jpg]belly button[/url] that she always wears, and another on her [url=http://cdn1.listovative.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/types-of-nose-piercings.jpg]nose[/url] which she prefers to keep out. If you manage to sneak a peek at her body, you'll see a [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/24/fc/23/24fc2349b7e70e699df9632f7c4ac7cf.jpg]tattoo[/url] on her ribs, saying 'Be the one to guide me, but never hold me down.' ~°~°~ Human, Werewolf, Or Hunter? Avery is an average human being, with little to lose. ~°~°~ What Is Your Life Like? Avery lives a simple life that no one else would trade for. Though she was given away and treated roughly, she has always managed to smile through her pain and has tried to be a social person. ~°~°~ History Avery was born to two rough parents. Her mom would tell her almost every day how she was a mistake, and her father would ignore her all together. She grew up in solitude, never really getting attached to anyone around her, which proved to be a good thing later in life. At the age of sixteen, Avery's parents put her up for adoption, in a small orphanage that was full of younger children. Since Avery was so old compared to the others, she never managed to get adopted, and at the age of eighteen she was kicked out of the orphanage with little money and no place to go. In the span of two years, she managed to stand on her own two feet, with a small job as a waitress and a rented apartment she called 'home'. She never tried to settle down with anyone, always deciding that if she did, she would end up getting hurt. So she tried to stay as secluded as possible, without as many friends as she wanted. Lately, Avery has been paying more attention to the conversations going on in the restaurant, because more people have been coming in for a warm place to stay. She's snuck past tables, hearing whispers from men and women about "Dangers in the night," and "dog attacks." Avery has always been rather curious about these sorts of conversations, and she finds herself thinking about them late at night. It was interesting how people would talk in hushed tones, and then when she came to take their orders they would be all loud and awkward. She was starting to piece little bits of information together, but she didn't want to seem crazy, and never talked about it with the few friends she had. Relationships Fayth: Avery works at the same restaurant as Fayth Morrow, and is kind of concerned about her clumsy attitude. They pull night shifts together, and yet they never hang out exclusively. Werewolves in general: Avery works at the bar where all the wolves gather, and She has noticed that before every full moon, the same group comes down to the bar.[/center]