Terry stared at Cammy in amazement as the pain left her body, "How'd you do that?"She whispered to her. Before Cammy could actually answer, an announcement telling them to go to the auditorium rang through the room. So this really was some type of school. "Trust me, you're safer here than anywhere else. And if that sister of yours tries anything, she'll have me to deal with." She was sure Cammy would think twice before saying that if she actually met the girl. Josephine wasn't a force to be reckoned with. Terraline could remember hiding under her bed as a child to get away from her. Cammy went on to tell her to get dressed. Dressed? Dressed in what? Did she have any clothes? Heck, any belongings? Nonetheless, Terry smiled thankfully back at the girl, "Thank you, Cammy. You've been so sweet." "I’m really sorry. We didn’t mean to intrude – we just entered the nearest room without looking. “I... I am really sorry. It was my fault. Not his. I – yeah, we’ll go.” Terraline glanced at the girl in the doorway speaking, "Hey it's okay, no worries," Terry told her gently but the girl was backed out into the hall anyway. She thought about seeing if the girl was okay; she had really seemed freaked out. However her friend seemed to be aiding her fine. Walking wasn't so hard now that the pain was gone. She stood and glanced at herself in the mirror to see herself from the first time since arriving here. The dull blue hospital gown swallowed her skinny body and her brown hair messily fell across the length of her chest. Fear swam in the piercing blue eyes that stared back at her. With a deep breath, she turned and glanced at the nurse, "Excuse me, but is there any clothes I can change into?" "Yes dear, many of your belongings have been brought here for you. Your brother was kind enough to tell us what was important to you." The woman brought over a suitcase and set it down, "We always allow students to bring everything they need here. If you need anything else we will have it fetched for you." "Thank you."She opened the suitcase to find many of her old clothes from her room. Hastily, she changed into a pair of jeans, sneakers and a white t-shirt. Terraline threw her hair in a quick side braid and rejoined Cammy outside the door. "Hey... Where's the auditorium?" Her answer came rushing past her. Teens and young adults were rushing down the hall toward a common place, no doubt the auditorium. "Nevermind, let's go," She followed the movement to a big open room with a stage and tons of seating. She sat in the back and saved a place for Cammy. ----------------------------------- “Guess you survived. Congratulations. You can get your gold medal at the orientation.” "I'm sure they have something for you too, dear sister," Xander approached her and eyed her. Although she was a total bitch, part of him did care for her. She didn't seem to be too physically hurt. "let's hurry to the auditorium, plenty of innocents for you to terrorize," Regardless if she followed, he made his way to the auditorium. The guy was already speaking on stage upon his arrival. "New and old students, welcome. You will each receive a handbook of rules and guidelines that contains your class schedule and dorm room and just about everything you'll need! New students this must be very weird for you and I understand. You were gifted with a special ability that sets you apart from other humans. No one is allowed to know you exist in the outside world. The government has a secret branch that was created specially for you. They are trained to kill you and destroy everything tied to your existence. You are being hunted right now. Why? Because your ability makes you a threat to other human lives. Here we give you a safe haven from these hunters so you can learn to control it so you can never use it again. You will learn to control so that you can conceal. In the outside world, power use can be detected thus it must be concealed to avoid death. If you so try to use your powers outside this school, you will be picked up by expensive technology this branch of government uses and they will find you and kill you. That's why it is important that you learn to conceal this ability at all costs. Is this understood by everyone?" Xander mumbled, "If we're so gifted why are we being told to hide our gift? Why don't we all stand up to those assholes? We're stronger than them." He glanced to the side to see Terry narrowing her eyes. Even the goody two-shoes didn't like this idea.