Name: Nanix Erka Age: 23 [hider=Appearance:][img][/img][/hider] Human, werewolf, or hunter?: Human to be Turned If human, what is your life like? Parents died in a horrific accident. Suffers from a form of PTSD and irrational fears of forests (which kind of sucks for her but oh well). She works as a fashion model and photography model (working nights at bars). Its a lonely existence, but at least its a living Background: As said above, her parents died in a horrific "accident" (She calls it that because she doesn't want people to ask) that led to an irrational fear of forests and forested places- which is why she lives in the heart of the city right near the werewolf apartment building. She works at a bar down the street that she doesn't know is frequented by the Weres, and Carlson has been contemplating sending someone to scope her out- as her demanding presence and kind nature would make her a great omega. For now though, she works as a model by day and bartender by night