[b]Name:[/b] Regina Victoria [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://safebooru.org//images/531/895be8b4cea78ece0d258a334f73f93d91e68a1f.png?1423523]Normally, she's not actually bareheaded.[/url] [b]Personality:[/b] Despite overall having rather... childish likes, Regina stubbornly tries to act 'properly', both as an outstanding member of the community and for someone in her position. Whilst she's normally quite a laid back person, she gets irritable quickly if someone draws attention to her doing something 'improper' or trying to push her into doing it. This is even worse for the immediate future because of her ongoing failing. Very, very particular about telling the truth and keeping her word. Currently keeping her in a cheery catch-22 situation where she's breaking her vows one way, but would break them far worse if she were to fulfil them properly. [b]Backstory:[/b] Orphaned at a young age, Regina was raised by a particular sect of the church that views Dolls as a terrible menace, and generally agreed with them, even more so when she joined the church proper and found that there [i]were[/i] ways to deal with the monsters without involving even more monsters. So, more than just a church member, she was a Doll Hunter. 'Was' being the operative word, with an extremely bad situation and a moment of panic leading her to accept a bargain that should never have been struck in the first place. Now... stuck with a Doll that she can't kill, since that would put her in a much worse situation. Along with being unable to go 'home' properly for the immediate future, she's secretly hoping that something will free her from her obligations, whilst trying to keep going as normal. [b]Skills:[/b] Though previously quite well armed, and with a 'one shot, one kill' mentality due to having quite the overdone weapon--certainly not something you'd ever want to try using without a lot of bracing--Regina has no ability to really use her shooting skills, since the weapon itself was rather thoroughly broken. She's had practice with a knife, and still has some rather... longer nails, but is herself mostly harmless to Dolls and Puppeteers alike at the moment, because only an idiot tries to use a weapon of last resort (or for finishing off anything that found itself staked in place but not dead) to attack with. At least, with her athleticism, she's got a good headstart for running away and dealing with more mundane attackers.