His head wobbled about, slowly bobbing in the direction the voice had come from. "Heuh....ugh...", the sounds limply rolled out of his mouth. "Well aren't you just the kindess old soul then? Hehehe....", he still wasn't entirely sure about the emotions he should be feeling, rather he was running through all the possible scenarios to put down the bearded assailant. But from his current spot; none existed, which wouldn't wind up with a bullet through his head. Best to comply and keep the enemy guessing as to how much of a threat he was. His right arm rose to convey surrender, "Uh sorry about the other one...I think it's broken. You can shoot me if you think I'm lying, dying an honest guy can't be too bad." Though Jooker's words displayed a calm disinterest towards his situation it only served as a mask, concealing the fear hidden much deeper down. Whoever these people where, he guessed them veterans in their respective career; experts. Jooker knew he was dangerous on some level but he'd never gone up against any real big contenders. This might be way out of his depth. Play it safe.