Sophia had been completely silent during the cleanup process. She had just been picking things up and putting them back where she remembered them to belong, or if she didn't remember she put them where she thought they belonged. As she quietly worked Sophia had continued to internally berate Tim's mother while at the same time wishing that she could make everything better for him. She was deep in thought, going almost to a philosophical level as she thought to herself, [i]Tim's gotten better in the time I've known him. But I'm sure that he pushes himself a lot. They say time heals all wounds, but even when wounds heal sometimes there's still pain left over. Even if he becomes able to easily interact with others there are likely going to be times when he reverts to how he is now. All I can do along the way is try to be a good friend and help him the best I can.[/i] "Sophia? Sophia," she heard Tim calling her. "Huh?" Sophia asked as she whipped her head around, suddenly broken from her deep concentration. Her brain took a moment but finally she realized that Tim had been talking to her. He had been telling her that she didn't have to help him out if she had things to do. She gave him a friendly smile and insisted, "No, it's alright. I don't really have anything to do today. I'd rather hang out with you than be by myself. And I don't mind helping you clean."