Stukov was smiling as he watched the back and forth between the cop and 'hostage' taker before the cop foisted the bullhorn and badge onto one of the other school goers and stormed off, complaining all the way and causing a breakdown in the robber. The group of folks outside seemed to be debating what was going on, and he almost didn't hear Yoshino's question, noting what he was seeing going on outside. He laughed at the whole mess, at the criminal, the cops, all of them. He loved when days started out comedic like this, it couldn't possibly go down hill from here. Well, it could, but where was the fun in thinking like that? There wasn't any, so all ahead full with the optimism. He finally responded to Yoshino not by answering her question, but asking another of his own. [color=ed1c24]"Hey, boss, some of those guys out there look familiar, da? Think we should go say hey? We aren't anywhere close to a minute near the school anyways, might as well take our time! Oh, and criminal guy, banks might get your more attention then toy stores, da?"[/color]