[hider=Cracker the Doll]: Name: Cracker Gender: Male Appearance: [url]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/120/0/4/pyromaniac_by_sealkittyy-d7gjra9.png[/url] Personality: Put simply, Cracker is wild. He is a chaotic doll who revels in destruction and mayhem. He takes joy in creating confusion and panic, and may even trick his Master on occasion. He is independent and free-spirited, and likes to do what he wants, when he wants. He is easy-going and light-hearted, and always up for a laugh, even if it is at the expense of others. Any chance he gets, he will use his powers; sometimes for good, sometimes for less than good. Abilities: Fire Conjuration- Cracker can summon fire at will, and channel it through his hands. While conjuring, he can control the fire, bending it to his will. However, the larger the burst of fire, the more energy it drains from him, and the harder it is to control. Flame Resistant-Due to the nature of his powers, Cracker is extremely flame-resistant, and can survive temperatures up to boiling point. Any fire that happens upon him will merely wash over his frame, leaving little more than a cut or two. However, the flip side is that Cracker is susceptible to water and is weakened by it. Pyromaniac- Cracker is an expert with all things relating to pyrotechnics, be that explosives or firecrackers. He has an encyclopedic knowledge of these instruments, and can use and repair them with ease. Weapons: His hands, and a multitude of pyrotechnics ranging from fireworks to more lethal explosives Misc: Has burn marks running along his back, which he prefers to keep hidden. [/hider]