[hider=Random CS #1] Name: Eli Fournier Age: 26 Appearance: Eli is clearly in peak physical condition, which is the result of constant physical training, though it's rare for him to actually be on a battlefield. His eyes are an icy blue, and tends to be rather uncomfortable for those who maintain any amount of eye contact with him. Like his eyes, is stare is cold, and makes it hard to imagine that the man who possesses these eyes could ever love anything. If one were to ignore his eyes, they could potentially say that he's a handsome man. Personality: It is well documented that Eli Fournier possesses a genius-level intellect, but barely passes his routine psych evaluations. Even so, his recent victories have granted him much favor in the recent months, showing that torture, manipulation, and fear tactics that Fournier often uses when acquiring critical intelligence is condoned by Central Authority. No doubt adding further fuel to the sparks started by Veritate, or it would, if it wasn't halted by the propaganda machine, and well-placed bullets to the back of certain dissenters' skulls. Usually ordered by Fournier himself, of course. It seems that if there's anything that Eli enjoys, it's to play this game of cat-and-mouse, with other people's lives in the balance. Unfortunately for some, he's horribly efficient at this, and he has been given command of a number of the most notorious operations conducted in the recent years against Veritate, sometimes even given authority over other higher ranking officers. Beyond this, on the first of every month, he always visits his mother at the mental health institution that she has been held at for the last five years, and he never misses a visit. Brief History: Eli often finds it rather difficult to recall his early childhood, or at least before he was three, but one memory has been forever burned into his mind- his father's face and those piercing blue eyes that he inherited. It was not a face of a father, or what one would normally think of one, but a face of an extremely complicated and tormented man. All that he remembers of his father, is this face, but he has been forever unable to place his father's face in any particular location, it is just there, floating in endless space. His mother had always told him that his father had died when Eli was three in some sort of tragic mining accident. The specifics of his father's death never seem to ever be brought up, and Eli has always found it nearly impossible to press her any further before she breaks into tears and complex emotions. Old family friends, the same ones who always seem to point out that Eli looks so much like his father, confirm his mother's story, so there's clearly little room for any doubt, but the feeling still resides throughout Eli's being. It just seems that he's overly suspicious by nature. Eli's only family is that of his mother, which is another reason why he takes care to not rile her up. He had a younger brother named Ezekiel, but he contracted the sickness, and he didn't even last a week before it completely consumed him. The next day, his body, clothing, and nearly any other reminder of his brother had to be burnt, as dictated by the Central Authority. It was pointless to resist this regulation- Eli had seen a woman attempt to do so, and all it got her was the opportunity to be burned along with her dead husband. It was Eli's responsibility to prevent his mother from following a similar fate. Ezekiel burned, and Eli cried for the last time. It wasn't exactly surprising, considering how close the two brothers had been. They created plenty of mischief, and thanks to Eli, they were never caught, no doubt causing the two boys to move onto their next scheme. All scrapes, cuts, and bruises was the result of the other brother, and possibly the only thing unbreakable in the entire universe was the bond between these two brothers. The day his brother died, Eli stopped smiling, perhaps unable to, he grew serious and his blue eyes that were once so filled with life suddenly became cold, exactly the that he always saw in his memories. As his mother grew increasingly unstable, it soon fell upon his shoulders to ensure their survival. Although a work permit was required for a boy of his age to work, he'd never be able to afford one, but it mattered little. Outside of things pertaining to the sickness and taxes, Central Authority bore little interest to those at the bottom of society. This was greatly to Eli's favor, as he began working as a courier at the the age of 8, less than a week after the burning of his brother. The life of a courier is very much double-sided. On one side, they are tasked with delivering important message or packages. However, a courier's true purpose is often hidden behind these messages and packages, since they are tasked with the acquisition of valuable information and the selling of it to any multitude of information brokers. A dangerous career for a man, let alone of boy of his age, but, well, he was hardly a normal boy. Eli had always been extremely intelligent, easily on prodigious levels. His intelligence, age, and former escapades with his brother all aided him in movement across the slums of the City, gaining the the most valuable commodity of all- information. This information was about nearly anything you could possibly think of, and the buyers were the same. Most brokers remained in the shadows when these transactions occurred, obviously using this gathered information for less than honorable purposes. A good courier learned to forget such information, though in Eli's case, he never forgot what he saw or heard, besides those memories before he was three. He pushed such information into the corners of his mind, always available to be accessed at a later date. Despite this downfall, his photographic memory was more of a benefit than a hindrance, as it guaranteed  that his information would be nearly the same as getting it from the source itself. This allowed him to have access to more money than he could have ever possibly imagined. Such a giant increase in capital would surely gain unwanted attention from Central Authority, and so most of what was earned was hidden well in certain locations in the slums, even to this day. When the day came to take the sector aptitude test, he was able to take the advanced version, after he pooled a large chunk of  the money he had earned from the legitimate side of couriering. With almost no education than the routine mandatory classes, it came as an unpleasant surprise to most when Eli achieved a nearly perfect score, easily gaining him entry into any sector of his choosing. Maybe this could have impressed his mother, if she wasn't wired on some new drug or stimulant that she bought with the money she made on the. . . side. Without hesitation, he chose the Military Sector, and specifically that of military intelligence, no doubt influenced by the side job that he was so proficient at. At the beginning, he was scrutinized, and constantly put under the microscope. It was to be expected. The poor were supposed to stay poor, and the elite were supposed to stay elite. It was part of the natural order to most, the same as the fact that the sky was blue instead of some other color. He gladly rose to the challenge. The brutish physical training itself broke many, but Eli's body almost seemed to be suited to such training, almost as if it was hardwired into his DNA. Thus, he excelled in this regard, though he was outpaced by the genetically modified trainees, whose role in society had been decided from the time that they were only an embryo on a petri dish. Though, in a sense, that was sort of true for everyone else as well. Clearly, Eli's true potential was revealed through his studies, much to the chagrin of his instructors and peers whom had always expected him to fail, despite his aptitude score. Eli eventually assumed the rank of lieutenant as an intelligence officer who specializes in the acquisition of high level information, interrogations, and capture of top level enemy combatants. As such, he has been at the fore front of a multitude of recent atrocities, including the infamous Downside Purge. It involved the total and ruthless massacre of any entire block of bottom class citizens to root out rebels. How directly involved he was in this is largely unclear. His tactical and analytical mind has caused Veritate an immense amount of pain and grief. His death would deal the City a massive blow in this continuous war. Should any assassin be given the order to kill him. . . well, Eli Fournier gladly accepts the challenge. [/hider] [hider=Random CS #2] Name: Evärrsen Arkeontar Age: 2678 Gender: Male Appearance: Evärrsen has long dark brown hair that is usually tied in the back of his head. Other than the scars that have marred much of his body and some of his face, it has to be said that he is extremely handsome, even by elf standards, something he inherited from his mother who possesses an otherworldly beauty. The most noticeable thing about him is his left eye, which has a genetic defect that makes it look like a cat's eye. It has little impact on his actual vision, however. Finally, in the middle of his forehead, is elvish lettering that signifies that he is a banished, preventing him from ever returning home unless he is ever pardoned. Personality: Although it's difficult to set Evärrsen off, when you do, his rage knows no bounds, and it is an incredible undertaking to calm him down. Outside of this, he is highly intelligent, and experienced from the course of his life, even though he is considered to be quite young, at least based on the lifespan of most elves. Even though he doesn't play a musical instrument, he has a deep appreciation for music, but hates to sing, despite being told that he has an amazing singing voice. He possesses a strategic mind, and is always planning his next move, and he rarely acts on a whim, especially if he hasn't considered and weighed the alternatives beforehand. He also possesses an uncanny ability for observation and is usually able to read other people quite easily. Despite the many things that has happened to him during his life, he still appreciates others and the world, even though if he ever the opportunity for revenge, he is sure to act upon it. Bio: Being a bastard, Evärrsen's birth and continued existence has hardly been appreciated by anyone other than his mother, who just so happens to be the princess and heir apparent to the Elvish Kingdom of Eskaeas'sir. Given that his grandfather is High King Elävvr, he was a source of great disappointment, given than Elvish women generally are only capable of bearing one or two children, and being forced to legitimize his bastard grandson would be a significant blow to his status. His childhood was made almost unnecessarily difficult, being kept out of site, and was only able to be contacted by his mother and a handful of essential servants. Such a childhood turned him into a daydreamer, and despite the fact that he was locked away in his small room, he always managed to imagine himself on some grand adventure in lands faraway, fueled by the many books that kept him company. The majority of these stories were that of Elvish legends and folk tales, so Evärrsen's knowledge of the outside world was extremely lacking. The first defining moment that changed Evärrsen's life when his mother finally gave birth to a legitimate son with the husband that his grandfather had forced his mother to marry right after his birth. Despite the bad blood that he now has with his younger brother, and especially with his grandfather, Evärrsen is well aware of the fact that his brother's birth granted him true freedom and he took full advantage of that independence. Although he was very sheltered and confined during his early childhood, Evärrsen more or less was given the freedom of the entire palace. He was, despite being a bastard, viewed as eventual successor to the throne, whether or not his grandfather wished to admit it or not. He was trained in arms like any good princeling should, and quickly excelled with the bow and blade, which was quite a relief to his mother, whom was famous for her mastery of the Elvish sword. As such, his mother was often his tutor in arms, since she is regarded as one of greatest warriors that the Elves have to offer, and it was obviously fueled by her great dislike for more lady-like pursuits, such as embroidery and the healing arts. Also, since she was the only child of the High King, roles usually intended for males often fell upon her shoulders. In this regard, whoever Evärrsen's father was must have been quite extraordinary to capture the heart of his mother, who was often more content with stabbing men than embracing them. Such training would be a great benefit, because he would soon see real combat during the time that his mother became pregnant with his younger brother. An elf's perception of time is vastly different than that of a human, and many other sentient races. Thus, the Last War of Men and Elves, happened so many years ago that its events have become legendary for humans, but for elves. . . there are many who lived through it and even fought in the war, Evärrsen included. The state of affairs before the war was considerably different than they are now. At this time, the greated kingdom men was that of Gendkedor, and those who are full-blooded Gendkedorians (which was mostly limited to the nobility at this point) experienced a much longer lifespan than that of normal humans, being able to live up to 300-350 years to age, whereas an average human rarely lives past 60-80 years. Such an extended lifespan was a gift to them from the gods for their contribution during the Great Wars, but those occurred long ago, even by an elf's standards. In any case, it is difficult to say what sparked such a war between elves and men, who had been unfaltering allies during the Great Wars, though many blame petty border disputes. Many legends blame that darkness that ensnared the heart of the Gendkedorian king, or that of the cruel and distant Elvish High King, but the truth of the matter rests within the accidental death of the human crown prince whilst his stay with the Elves. The real circumstances revolving his death is still unknown, but in any case, after negotiations proved be be fruitless, the prince's death resulted in a war of retribution. Evärrsen mostly saw service as an elvish archer on the frontlines, early in the war, possibly a ploy by his grandfather in hope that he would get himself killed. That obviously didn't happen, and by the end of the war, he had risen to becoming captain of an elite archer unit. As for the war itself, both nations had went into it at the height of their strength, and such a crushing defeat to the humans probably couldn't have been possible if it weren't for the dwarves throwing their lot in with the elves, and as such, by war's end, the human kingdom would be no more. Gendkedor would fall into itself, and break apart in over a dozen different nation-states, with neither race crossing into each other's territory for many years, and even today, two races who once locked arms in brotherhood are still are highly suspicious of one another. Even though his brother's birth had completely written him out of the equation of succession, Evärrsen and his brother rarely found common ground, probably due to Evärrsen's natural ability when it came to archery and swordsmanship. His growing popularity despite being a bastard certainly did nothing to cool down the rivalry, after Evärrsen's repeated victories against the orcs in the mountains following the fall of Gendkedor. It eventually came to a head over a girl. The girl was a daughter of an accomplished Elvish general, and even to this day, Evärrsen claims that she possessed a beauty that could rival a goddess, and eyes that that reminded him of a shimmering pool of water. It was clear to many at court that he had a clear attraction to her, no doubt a rumor that reached his younger brother's ears, who was already growing tired of being constantly overshadowed by a bastard. After several years of Evärrsen attempting to court her, it all boiled over when he found his brother kissing her in private, and while being completely blinded in anger, he proceeded to nearly beat his brother to death. This resulted in Evärrsen's immediate exile from Eskaeas'sir, and soon he found himself wandering throughout the lands of Man, primarily working as a mercenary and bounty hunter, slowly, but surely building the legend of Evärrsen Cat-Eye, partly because of the unique defect in his left eye, but mostly because of his almost legendary skill with a Elvish bow and ability to read people. After being a veteran of dozens of wars, he's made quite a name for himself in human lands, all the while waiting for a pardon from his grandfather so that he may one day return to his homeland. Such a pardon has not come since his exile over five hundred years ago, so, as such, he long ago embraced the reality that he will probably never return to Eskaeas'sir, and has thrown himself into his grim work. [/hider]