[hider=Endings] [hider=Destroy]If Shepard uses the Crucible to destroy the Reapers... Admiral Hackett relates how the Reapers were defeated, saying that this victory belongs to every civilization. Even though the galaxy is devastated and the mass relays are severely damaged, Hackett is confident they can rebuild stronger than before. He regrets that so many people will not be able to witness the future that Shepard made possible, but resolves to honor their sacrifices. Eventually, the mass relays and even the Citadel are restored, and the galaxy enters a new era of peace. * If the player's Effective Military Strength is too low, the Crucible will backfire, and annihilate most life in the galaxy. An alternate narration will be heard from Hackett; his outlook on the galaxy's future is much more negative. * If the player's Effective Military Strength is moderately high, the Crucible will still cause some collateral damage to the galaxy, including the mass relays. Hackett's speech is mostly the same as in the high EMS, though he adds that it may take years to restore the relays. * If the player's Effective Military Strength is high enough, Shepard is shown to have survived the Crucible's blast, taking a gasping breath in a pile of rubble.[/hider] [hider=Control]If Shepard uses the Crucible to control the Reapers... Shepard, now a Catalyst-like being with absolute control over the Reapers, achieves a new state of existence and ponders immortality. Shepard commands the Reapers to rebuild and protect the galaxy, and, depending on Shepard's morality, either intends to act as a guardian who will protect and serve the galaxy's civilizations (Paragon), or act as the strong leader that Shepard believes the galaxy needs (Renegade). Shepard also vows to watch over their former crew and friends. The Reapers restore the mass relays, and under Shepard's direction, stand ready to defend against anyone that threatens the new peace. The exact nature of Shepard's intentions for the galaxy depends not only on their morality, but also on the outcome of the genophage mission. * If a Paragon Shepard cured the genophage and Wrex leads the krogan, Shepard intends to give the many hope for a future and ensure that all have a voice in their future. * If a Renegade Shepard cured the genophage and Wrex leads the krogan, Shepard vows to "right the wrongs of the past" and as well as to provide a voice for the weak. * If a Paragon Shepard cured the genophage and Wreav leads the krogan, Shepard vows to "provide a voice for those too weak to speak for themselves." * If a Renegade Shepard cured the genophage and Wreav leads the krogan, Shepard intends to ensure that "the strongest are not feared or reviled for their strength." * If a Paragon Shepard sabotaged the cure, they desire to give the galaxy a chance for peace and let the mistakes of the past be fixed on their own accord. * If a Renegade Shepard sabotaged the cure, they intend to act as a powerful leader who will put an end to the bickering of the many.[/hider] [hider=Synthesis]If Shepard uses the Crucible to merge organic and synthetic life... EDI speaks of how Shepard's sacrifice changed the relationship between organics and synthetics forever. Now that both forms of life understand each other, the Reapers have stopped attacking the galaxy and begin to help rebuild of their own accord, and have also begun to share the collective knowledge of countless previous civilizations. EDI speculates that with the differences between organics and synthetics disappearing, mortality itself could one day be transcended to a new level of existence that she cannot imagine. Finally EDI concludes by saying that no matter how far they advance, they will always remember Shepard and the others who died for this future. EDI's remarks on the new relationship between organics and synthetics differ based on the outcome of Priority: Rannoch. * If the geth destroyed the quarians, EDI states that synthetics are now free to choose their own paths. * If the quarians destroyed the geth, EDI states that organics no longer need to fear their synthetic creations. * If Shepard managed to achieve peace between the quarians and geth, EDI states that organics and synthetics can now coexist peacefully.[/hider] [hider=Refuse]If Shepard refuses to activate the Crucible... One of Liara's time capsules activates on an unknown world. A recording of Liara explains that the capsule contains a record of her generation's war against the Reapers and ultimate defeat. She urges whoever can find the capsule to use the information she gathered on the Reapers and the blueprints of the Crucible to try and succeed where the people of her time did not. Many years into the future, a woman of an unknown race called the Stargazer tells the story of "The Shepard" to a young boy, and how their sacrifice and warning allowed for them to eventually defeat the Reapers, once and for all.[/hider][/hider] [hider=Planets] [hider=Earth]Depending on the outcome on Earth, various scenes of aftermath can be shown: * If Shepard's Effective Military Strength was low, London will be seen in ruins. * If Shepard's Effective Military Strength was high, London will be seen damaged, but largely intact. * If Shepard chose to destroy the Reapers, a restored London will be seen with a new conduit connecting it to the Citadel which has also been restored. * If Shepard chose to control the Reapers, a restored London will be seen being guarded and protected by the Reapers. * If Shepard chose Synthesis, then humans, aliens, and Reapers will been seen working together to rebuild Earth.[/hider] [hider=Tuchanka] Depending on the outcome on Tuchanka, various scenes of aftermath can be shown for the krogan: If the genophage was not cured: * A lone female krogan sits on a desolate Tuchanka. If Wrex was the Urdnot leader, another scene will show dead krogan lying amongst the rubble. * If Synthesis was chosen, it will cure the genophage instead. * If the rachni queen was saved (the real queen, not the breeder), the rachni settle on Tuchanka. If the genophage was cured: * Krogan children on synthesis ending * If Eve survived, she can be seen holding a krogan child. * If Eve did not survive, another female krogan will take her place. * If Urdnot Wrex leads the krogan, scenes of krogan reconstruction are shown. * If Urdnot Wreav leads, scenes are shown of him amassing a krogan army. If Eve survived, she is shown having gathered her own army and confronting Wreav. * If Wreav leads, but Synthesis was chosen, his plans for retribution are seemingly abandoned and instead the krogan begin rebuilding their civilization. * If the genophage was cured and Synthesis was chosen, the ancient krogan temples are restored to their former glory.[/hider] [hider=Rannoch] Depending on the outcome on Rannoch, various scenes of aftermath can be shown: If peace between the quarians and geth was achieved: * Geth and quarian in synthesis ending * In the Control ending, the quarians are shown having established a new city on Rannoch. A separate scene shows the geth building their own city, apparently with the aid of the Reapers. * In the Destroy ending, only the quarians appear. * In the Synthesis ending, a special scene shows the geth working alongside the quarians, who are now able to live without their environmental suits. If the quarians destroyed the geth: * In the Synthesis ending, the quarians are still living in their environmental suits. If the geth destroyed the quarians: * In the Destroy ending, Rannoch appears deserted.[/hider][/hider] [hider=Characters] * Miranda Lawson can be seen studying Reaper schematics with Oriana (Control), or planning construction with other technicians (Destroy and if Shepard is dead - or Synthesis). If Shepard's love interest, she will be seen looking at the stars (Destroy and if Shepard is alive). * Jacob Taylor can be seen working as an instructor (High EMS Control and Destroy), or comforting a female civilian with Brynn Cole (Synthesis or Low EMS Control and Destroy). * Samara can be seen visiting Falere at the new Ardat-Yakshi monastery, or resuming her life as a Justicar if she failed to apprehend Morinth. * Zaeed Massani lounges on a chair by the coast (Destroy). * Kasumi Goto can be seen reuniting with Keiji Okuda (Synthesis, and if the Greybox was saved), or still holding the graybox in a room (Control and Destroy). * Jack is seen in a graveyard, laying flowers at tombstones (if her students were sent to the front lines), or working with Kahlee Sanders and her students (if her students were kept in a support role and Kahlee survived). If she was Shepard's love interest, she will be shown looking at the stars instead of Miranda (Destroy and if Shepard is still alive). * Grunt and Wrex are welcomed back home to Tuchanka. If Grunt is dead, then a helmeted krogan will take his place next to Wrex. Grunt will not appear if Wrex is dead. * Mordin Solus, Thane Krios, Legion, and any other squadmate that wasn't saved in the course of Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3 will be seen in individual shots, seemingly nodding their approval at Shepard's actions. If Eve did not survive, she too will be included in the montage. If fewer than six characters are dead, then the last image will be that of a charred N7 helmet. * If Mordin Solus is still alive (which is only possible if Wreav is the Urdnot leader, Eve is dead, and Shepard either Charmed or Intimidated Mordin to not fix the Shroud sabotage), Mordin will be shown near computer monitors studying a datapad in his hand while two krogan, one male and one female, are in glass tubes behind him.[/hider] [hider=Normandy]If the Normandy survived the crash landing, the crew will be shown at the memorial wall, honoring the memory of all the people who gave their lives in the war. Shepard's love interest puts Shepard's name on the wall, right above Anderson's. If Shepard does not have a love interest, Shepard's love interest is dead or does currently not serve aboard the Normandy (such as Kelly Chambers or Miranda Lawson, for example), then the character Shepard interacted with the most will put the Commander's name on the wall (with the exception of EDI, James Vega, and Javik). If that character is dead, then Liara T'Soni will be the one putting Shepard's name on the wall. If Liara is dead, then Samantha Traynor will take her place. * Exclusive to the Destroy ending, Shepard's love interest (or Liara, if Shepard does not have a love interest, the love interest is dead or is not a character who is currently aboard the Normandy) hesitates to put Shepard's name on the wall, and instead smiles hopefully. Shepard is later seen taking a single breath in a pile of rubble. * In the Synthesis ending, EDI and Shepard's love interest embrace after Shepard's name has been added to the wall. * Depending on how badly damaged the Normandy was, the final scene shows the Normandy either undergoing repairs or taking off from the unknown planet.[/hider]