(Picture coming soon) Resembles a fuzzy black and purple wyvern with blue tipped glowing whiskers. Approximately the size of a large dog. Name: Karu Species: Dream Eater Gender: Male Personality: A youthful and almost childlike demeanor. He (rather expectantly) takes fascination in even the most mundane of technologies, coming from a background of only know magic and dreams of said magical creatures. Besides that he is kind, caring, shy, and rather flighty. He is considered a prey species in terms of magical creatures, so he habitually tries to keep himself unnoticed. He has a couple prideful traits once he warms up to a person though. Abilities (Spirit Form abilities): He can regain energy by consuming someone’s dream, a harmless process. However, he can summon elements of the dreams he’s consumed as illusions to confuse and divert foes, or scare the heck out of them with nightmarish creatures. It’s also very handy for playing pranks on people or creating props for a story. Significant: TBD Weapon Form appearance: [img]https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/o1x0Y9Imh1ZSE6SLVYy938lTA5_I5hBlpgSn3BJjj4covBrJaHxmU4S91M6D4-jU_qHTLQy7EbDu_vw=w651-h461[/img] It tends to emit a dreamlike cloudy mist as a trail. Abilities (Weapon Form abilities): Similar to his spirit form, the wielder of the staff can summon aspects of their own dreams into existence, however, these manifestations are actually physical briefly, allowing them to damage a foe before shattering. They will shatter shortly after any force (besides those coming from the staff wielder) is applied to it making the manifestations able to stop most bullets but completely ineffective against melee weapons that have force behind them. For example, a bullet would bounce of a shield, causing it to shatter, while a sword would still have force behind it after it shatters, allowing the strike to follow through. The amount of manifestations able to be maintained is dependent on the bond between the wielder and the weapon, all manifestation immediately fizzle if the staff become separated from the wielder or the wielder is incapacitated. The staff itself is extremely durable, and Karu is able to speak through it while in staff form, and will certainly complain if used to block an attack. Also may throw a fit if used to poke things from a distance or as a doorstop. In terms of awareness he is able to see through the wielder’s eyes. Due to the nature of the staff, projectiles (which can be shot out from the staff) and thrown weapons are highly recommended uses of the manifestation power. Guns can also fire one bullet before shattering from recoil.