"Here you go." Jon said, sharing his torch flame with the large man. The flame leapt up to the other torch, and soon, it burned as brightly as Jon's own. "Well, the more the merrier." Jon remarked, before turning to the door that lead deeper into the dungeon. Boy did it smell; it smelled like rotting corpses. Clear evidence that there were undead, among the other things. He was glad he had some fire (compliments of a torch), and he had some oil in his backpack. That said, they'd have to rely on the paladin to purify the more obstinate zombies, but that didn't mean that the rest of the party couldn't do anything... Jon drew his broadsword and walked ahead of the others. "Well, I'm sure none of you are quite too fond of that smell, so I'll be going first." He said, stepping boldly out. "I'd appreciate it if you walked behind me, paladin." Jon stepped up to the doorway and stared into the looming darkness, holding up his torch to see better. Even then, he couldn't see much. No bodies, however, which meant that there wouldn't be any traps, or the traps ahead would be obvious. Without hesitation, he took a step forward into the darkness beyond.