Zvezdan Had a frown on his face, he tried to find eris or clariss but neither were around the typical places. He really wished to have someone with him at this moment. The weird bite on his hair and the person he gave warning too, were all too fresh and making him feel fear and insecure. He crossed his hands. A small worry that those two ended up walking on land to satisfy their curiosity was starting to creep on him. There were still places he didnt check. Like those 'secret' corners of the ocean ever of them enjoyed finding and call it their own. Following a memory of when he saw one of the mermaids swim in a system of under water caves he quickly swam to the cave opening and into it. He hoped they all were there together, he didnt worry about Athena at the moment as he was sure the tribe of the Minotaur wouldnt let any harm come upon them. It was the melody that guided him the last few turns to reach a cavern. Well.....that wasnt the girl he hoped to find here. He silently watched from underwater listening to the music she played. Only when she stopped for a brief moment he broke the surface and watched her with a curious eyebrow raised. He saw her with the other fairies around but couldnt place a name on her. Fotis He gave a nod of welcome when Faeya arrived and greeted him. He wondered briefly if the elf folk would attempt and interact with this newcomers. His attention shifting back to the task on hand. His tail petting eris back even tickling her a bit to cheer her up as she clung to his back for something that he felt like was great fear. He will be more cautious. "Why do you think this is Cheap I can assure you it is not" Fotis smirked knowingly. He didnt knew the exact prize of it the exact worth but it was surely not enough, mostly it was their first offer and first offers were always a drastic underpay for the goods. "I am Dawn, First mate" He didnt know what first mate mean but he assumed it was similar to first chef a leader. And the behavior of the woman was speaking in pro for it. ''Well, if you think thats enough for a treasure may I ask what you want? Maybe treasure doesnt mean the same thing to your kin and mine. If you ask my mother she would tell you that the greatest treasure of our home are the healing herbs. For that treasure that would be enough indeed.'' He knew about the tales of the treasure and its curse to lead to death to anyone who took it away. Each tribe telling the tale just a bit different, but in the end it was telling the same thing. As a trader he wanted to see what they own, how much he could take from them, as a Minotaur he wanted to know where they stand. Were they searching a way to die? Or were just plain greedy.